Joly MacFie wrote:
> Forest - are you suggesting that flash is more
> cpu-intensive than baseline h.264?
> Is that so?

I was referring to the flash player in general and wasn't suggesting the
flash container itself requires significantly more
resources on the client side.  (Also, flash is a container format; 264 is
a compression format, so not completely sure what your question is.)

Even so, when Adobe/Apple rolled out their 'compromise' last year, there
was the usual hang-wringing about battery life & browser performance;
although to my mind it's not clear how a custom rolled app that plays
flash video from a specific site (eg. Hulu) would *necessarily* realise
significant performance gains. (At just 5MB the whole binary itself weighs
in on the low side of a typical app, and not likely the app porter is
going to improve its performance.)

But then I haven't built an app such as that, myselfÂ… yet.

stay tuned,

forest mars

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