Michael Sullivan: "what will help web video is better web video."

Hey Michael:
I wholeheartedly agree, especially with respect to content!

Yet while content is king I think it also behooves both Vlogger and Web 
Video Producer alike, as well as those wearing both hats, to consider issues 
that potentially influence viewership. And such was the subtext within my 
last post.

As for me, speaking personally... I'll take solid content over slick 
production values with no substance, and I tend to think most viewers are 
there too. After all; with literally hundreds of traditional television 
venues to chose from, and millions of websites vying for viewer attention? 
If what we provide isn't grabbing attention consistently, then we're toast 
by the kick of a mouse. And once gone we may never get that lost viewer back 

Whereas too much of the latter, is bad for us all.

Mark Villaseñor,
Canine Adventures For Charity - sm

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