Well...  Now to show how far off base I was.
   I looked over my notes (finally), and found that it was neither trino,
   tillo, nor trill.  It was indeed called a tremolo!  Apologies to all
   for any confusion *that* may have caused.  Also, I see in my notes that
   i and m are indicated, but that for those of us who had trouble, i and
   a might be easier and achieve the same effect.  I seem to have adopted
   the i and a -- an injury to my hand results in a tendon burn if I try
   too much to perfect this with i and m.
   Again, apologies to all for my sloppiness!

   From: Monica Hall <mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
   To: Chris Despopoulos <despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   Cc: Vihuelalist <vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Mon, April 18, 2011 8:21:29 AM
   Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was With/Without Bordones
   Well trino and trillo are two different things - but I can understand
   how they might get muddled up.
   ----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Despopoulos"
   To: "Martyn Hodgson" <[2]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
   Cc: "Vihuelalist" <[3]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:36 AM
   Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was With/Without Bordones
   >  Dear Martyn...
   >  Well, I called this thing a trill -- the term "tillo" never passed
   >  lips (or fingers, I guess).  I understood it as "trill", sitting in
   >  class given in another language...  And my hearing has deteriorated
   >  with the years, I might add.  I thought the word was "trino", which
   >  believe is "trill" in Spanish.  In that formulation alone I see at
   >  least three opportunities for error...  Does trino = trill?  Did he
   >  trino or trillo?  Does trino = trillo?  Did I play the thing right?
   >  You give me far too much credit!  And indeed, I hope to inquire
   >  the sources...
   >  Anyway, I had hoped to open up this line of discussion.  I'm glad
   >  it, and hope to learn as a result!  Many thanks to all...
   >  cud
   >    __________________________________________________________________
   >  From: Martyn Hodgson <[4]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
   >  To: Chris Despopoulos <[5]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >  Cc: Vihuelalist <[6]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >  Sent: Mon, April 18, 2011 6:01:50 AM
   >  Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was With/Without
   >    Dear Chris,
   >    I'm sure it's wise for us all to explore these things further and
   >  with
   >    care and reference to the sources.
   >    Regarding courses: I'm not sure if I'd accept as gospel some
   >    assertion of preference not backed up by hard evidence - whoever
   >    tutor may be! It is interesting in this context that you were told
   >  this
   >    strum was a 'trillo' whereas it is clearly a repicco since it
   >    more than the index finger alone.....
   >    best wishes
   >    Martyn
   >    --- On Mon, 18/4/11, Chris Despopoulos
   >  <[1][7]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >    wrote:
   >      From: Chris Despopoulos <[2][8]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >      Subject: Re: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was
   >      Bordones
   >      To: "Martyn Hodgson" <[3][9]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>, "Monica
   >      <[4][10]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>, "Stuart Walsh"
   >  <[5][11]s.wa...@ntlworld.com>
   >      Cc: "Vihuelalist" <[6][12]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >      Date: Monday, 18 April, 2011, 10:12
   >    Allow me a few points:
   >    I don't believe my so-called trill is part of the flamenco
   >    Perhaps that's why I accepted it so readily!  But I'm not aware of
   >  any
   >    flamenco performances using this approach.  For a rolling
   >  continuation
   >    of strums Flamenco seems to use all four fingers, sometimes
   >  by
   >    an upstroke of the index to give 5 beats in one.
   >    That said, if the ring finger is never used in a strum, then this
   >    "trill" is indeed an anachronism. It uses i and a.  I'll add that
   >    wrist is indeed still, and you can anchor your hand with your
   >    Historically accurate or not, it is an interesting right-hand
   >    technique,  and it can be used elsewhere I'm sure.
   >    So now I wonder how to achieve an indefinitely long rolling of
   >  strums.
   >    I'll try to work out these translations of instructions to see
   >  can
   >    happen...  right-hand control is always good.  Indeed, the right
   >    is probably the more important hand with the guitar.  You can play
   >    hundreds of notes with your left hand, but if the right hand is
   >    you'll play hundreds of dead notes.  On the other hand (no pun
   >    intended), if you can only play a single note with your left hand
   >    your right hand is capable of exquisite variations, you will
   >    exquisitely express that note every time.
   >    Finally, with luck I'll soon attend another course where I can
   >  inquire
   >    into the sources for this interesting little trill.
   >    cud
   >    From: Martyn Hodgson <[7][13]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
   >    To: Monica Hall <[8][14]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>; Stuart Walsh
   >    <[9][15]s.wa...@ntlworld.com>
   >    Cc: Vihuelalist <[10][16]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >    Sent: Mon, April 18, 2011 3:57:29 AM
   >    Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was With/Without
   >  Bordones
   >      Dear Stuart,
   >      Thanks for this. I do hope you won't really give up!  Like you
   >      sometimes reluctant to be quite so strict about what strum I
   >    but
   >      I think, also like you, I'm aware of the historical
   >      I do think these strums were part of general play as, indeed,
   >    required
   >      by Corbetta (as well as de Visee et al - note his careful use of
   >    strum
   >      requiring a thumb and strum without - how often is this adhered
   >  to?).
   >      And I've given an example of the double upstroke to numerous
   >    Allemandes
   >      which I suggest are better played this way (ie double upstroke
   >    executed
   >      by the middle and first finger being well seperated and
   >      upwards).
   >      I think the Roncalli 'strum' is a red herring!: in fact for this
   >    chord
   >      Roncalli employs the well recognised guitar sign also used in
   >      contemporary tiorba tablatures for an extended arpeggio.  But
   >  Chris's
   >      use of a flamenco strum certainly gave rise to this interesting
   >      exchange.....
   >      regards
   >      Martyn
   >      --- On Sun, 17/4/11, Stuart Walsh
   >  wrote:
   >        From: Stuart Walsh <[2][12][18]s.wa...@ntlworld.com>
   >        Subject: Re: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was
   >  With/Without
   >        Bordones
   >        To: "Monica Hall" <[3][13][19]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk>
   >        Cc: "Martyn Hodgson" <[4][14][20]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>,
   >  "Vihuelalist"
   >        <[5][15][21]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >        Date: Sunday, 17 April, 2011, 18:50
   >      On 17/04/2011 17:07, Monica Hall wrote:
   >      > Well - before we start to discuss this... it might be helpful
   >    have
   >      > English translations of what Corbetta says in the preface -
   >  to
   >      have to
   >      > hand the music.  The French preface is slightly different for
   >      Italian
   >      >
   >      > French Preface
   >      >
   >      > You will see the example of a batterie placed in a caprice de
   >    chacone
   >      [p.72]
   >      > where the note with the longer stem indicates that the thumb
   >  should
   >      be used
   >      > for both up and down strokes;  and you will observe that when
   >  you
   >      see four
   >      > notes tied together, you ought to use the second finger
   >  descending,
   >      and then
   >      > after with the first finger you will do the same upwards in a
   >  very
   >      quick
   >      > beat; and you will continue always with the fingers and the
   >      following
   >      > the example which you will see there.
   >      >
   >      > In another chaconne [p.75] there is another batterie which I
   >      printed
   >      > previously (desia).  And because it has the gift of pleasing,
   >      wanted to
   >      > place it here, where you will see that there are six strokes
   >  the
   >      form of
   >      > quavers.  You will play four [quavers] on the first, second
   >    third
   >      > strings carrying the hand downwards; after you will make the
   >  other
   >      two
   >      > strokes on the two fourth and fifth strings carrying the hand
   >    upwards
   >      > without touching the others; after changing the fingering [of
   >      left hand]
   >      > you do the same with the other six. Changing the fingers for
   >    next
   >      four
   >      > which follow, you will strike the first chord a little
   >  and
   >      the
   >      > other three very sweetly.  You will play the others in the
   >  way
   >      changing
   >      > the fingering as you commence the first of each six.  This is
   >    you
   >      will
   >      > find an "f" that indicates that you strike rather strongly on
   >      first
   >      > stroke and in this way the batterie will be more delicate.
   >      >
   >      > Italian Preface
   >      >
   >      > You will see an example of a repicco placed in a ciaccona [on
   >    p.72],
   >      where
   >      > the longer tail to the note signifies the thumb;  having
   >      begun with
   >      > the fingers [i.e. played the chord once with all four
   >    then
   >      do the
   >      > same, upwards with the thumb, making the same upwards.
   >    that
   >      the
   >      > four tied notes signify that one must first make the note with
   >    second
   >      finger
   >      > and then with the first  close to it, and thus again as
   >    at
   >      a
   >      > quicker tempo, and continue with the fingers and thumb.
   >      >
   >      > In another next ciaccona [on p.75] you will see another
   >      already
   >      > placed in the press where to confusion I have place the same
   >      perfect
   >      > thing. Where you see six quaver strokes, play four of them
   >  the
   >      third
   >      > course downwards, and moving the hand make the next two
   >  on
   >      the other
   >      > two courses, the first and second i.e. 5th & 4th], without
   >  touching
   >      the
   >      > others [1st , 2nd & 3rd]. After changing the fingers on the
   >  frets,
   >      play in
   >      > the same way for the other six quavers, and changing the
   >  at
   >      the next
   >      > four, strike the first quaver loudly, and the other three
   >    Do
   >      the
   >      > same on changing the fingers at the other [groups of four]
   >    the
   >      first
   >      > six begin again.  Where you find an f this means play the
   >  of
   >      the four
   >      > beats loudly, and thus you will achieve a beautiful repicco.
   >      >
   >      > Marchetti's exlanation of the repicco is much simpler...
   >      >
   >      > The repicco is made giving four strokes, that is two down and
   >      up.  The first stroke is played downwards  with the middle
   >  and
   >      the second down with the thumb; the third  stroke is played
   >      with the thumb and the fourth up with the index finger playing
   >    however
   >      [with the index finger] only the cantino, or first course.  One
   >      repicco equals two strokes.
   >      >
   >      >
   >      >
   >      > Over to you now...
   >      >
   >      >
   >      >
   >      > Monica
   >      >
   >      And Monica has translated Foscarini's instructions on playing
   >      Trillo, Picco and Repicco in her essay 'Giovanni Paulo
   >      Plagiarist or Pioneer? (at the very end)
   >      [1][6][16][22]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >      (and there is another translation of Foscarini in Tyler's 'The
   >  Early
   >      Guitar'.)
   >      And looking at all that, many people (like me) probably decide
   >    give
   >      up! Maybe the really showy stuff is for some alfabeto and/or for
   >  some
   >      chaconnes/passaccales rather than general application in mixed
   >      tablatures?
   >      Taro Takeuchi has evolved some impressive sounding strumming
   >    techniques
   >      and he has not used flamenco techniques.
   >      I was interested in Chris's first chord in the Roncall Preludio
   >    because
   >      it sounds quite different from other strums I've heard.
   >      Stuart
   >      > ----- Original Message ----- From: "Martyn Hodgson"
   >      <[2][7][17][23]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk>
   >      > To: "Vihuela Dmth" <[3][8][18][24]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >      > Cc: "Chris Despopoulos"
   >    "Early
   >      Guitar Dmth"
   >      > <[5][10][20][26]early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu>
   >      > Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:57 AM
   >      > Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: Strumming techniques - was With/Without
   >      Bordones
   >      >
   >      >
   >      >>
   >      >>    To Vihuela (early guitar) list:
   >      >>
   >      >>  The aside by Chris on the 'trill' he was taught to execute
   >  raises
   >      an
   >      >>  important issue not, I think, much discussed: the precise
   >  manner
   >      of
   >      >>  strumming used by the Old Ones.
   >      >>
   >      >>  The repertoire of strumming styles used by players of the
   >      'baroque'
   >      >>  guitar these days often seems to me to more related to
   >      robust
   >      >>  flamenco play than the precise technique used by earlier
   >  players
   >      (at
   >      >>  least based on what they wrote). Chris's description of his
   >  strum
   >      is,
   >      >>  of course, similar to the 'repicco' described by Corbetta in
   >  his
   >      1671
   >      >>  collection (NB bourdon on 4th course!). Translation of
   >      >>  '....Note that the four tied beats strike down the first
   >    with
   >      the
   >      >>  middle finger then with the index and then the same as
   >  upstroke'
   >      (I
   >      >>  hope this is accurate if not a a literal
   >      That an
   >      >>  experienced player Stuart thought it a new (to him) style of
   >      strumming
   >      >>  may perhaps illustrate how many of us (me included!) fail to
   >      adhere
   >      >>  always to the earlier instructions.
   >      >>
   >      >>  Incidentally, I think to call it a trill (or more correctly
   >      'trillo')
   >      >>  as Chris was told, is perhaps wrong: my understanding of
   >    term
   >      is
   >      >>  that it is a strum ornament executed by the index alone not
   >    two
   >      >>  fingers or more.
   >      >>
   >      >>  Yrs in exectation of a response or two
   >      >>
   >      >>  Martyn
   >      >>
   >      >>
   >      >>
   >      >>  --- On Sat, 16/4/11, Chris Despopoulos
   >      <[6][11][21][27]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >      >>  wrote:
   >      >>
   >      >>    From: Chris Despopoulos
   >  <[7][12][22][28]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >      >>    Subject: [VIHUELA] Re: With/Without Bordones
   >      >>    To: "Stuart Walsh" <[8][13][23][29]s.wa...@ntlworld.com>
   >      >>    Cc: "Vihuelalist"
   >      >>    Date: Saturday, 16 April, 2011, 20:19
   >      >>
   >      >>      Hi Stuart...  Thanks
   >      >>      The effect on that A (er G) chord was taught to me in a
   >  class
   >      of
   >      >>      rasgueados for baroque guitar...  They called it a
   >      >>  Basically,
   >      >>      it's alternating up/down strokes between two fingers.
   If U
   >    is
   >      up
   >      >>  and D
   >      >>      is down, then the gesture is:
   >      >>      Da, Di, Ua, Ui -- repeated for the duration of the note.
   >    Yes,
   >      I use
   >      >>      the ring finger.  But it turns out I use the ring finger
   >  for
   >      nearly
   >      >>      every rasgueado.  I just have to shrug off any
   >    for
   >      >>      anachronism there, because I don't know that I could
   >    it
   >      any
   >      >>      other way.
   >      >>
   >      >>      From: Stuart Walsh
   >      >>      To: Chris Despopoulos
   >    <[2][11][16][26][32]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com>
   >      >>      Cc: Vihuelalist
   >      >>      Sent: Sat, April 16, 2011 1:55:20 PM
   >      >>      Subject: Re: [VIHUELA] With/Without Bordones
   >      >>      On 16/04/2011 16:56, Chris Despopoulos wrote:
   >      >> >    I've recorded a few pieces now with a bordon on the D
   >  course
   >    --
   >      >>      Suite
   >      >> >    by Roncalli, Paracumbe, and Folias by Sanz.  These are
   >    compared
   >      >>  to
   >      >> >    similar recordings I did without the bordon.  Oddly
   >    the
   >      >>      earth
   >      >> >    did not crack open and swallow my guitar, flaming toads
   >    not
   >      >>      fall
   >      >> >    from the sky, and gravity as we know it still holds
   >      >> >    I'm inclined to view the results along the lines of
   >  speaking
   >    a
   >      >>      language
   >      >> >    with an accent...  Perhaps the emPHAsis is placed on
   >    differENT
   >      >> >    syllABles, but the import is generally the same, and the
   >      >>  ability
   >      >>      to
   >      >> >    move the listener rests entirely with the speaker
   >  regardless
   >    of
   >      >>      his or
   >      >> >    her accent.  I've found that the bordon reveals some
   >  aspects
   >    of
   >      >>  a
   >      >>      piece
   >      >> >    I may not have noticed otherwise, but nothing
   >      >>  earth-shattering.  I
   >      >>      may
   >      >> >    try to record a few other pieces with a bordon just to
   >      >>      thorough.
   >      >> >    (And I suppose I should try this exercise with bordones
   >    two
   >      >> >    courses...)  For my own pleasure I want to get back to
   >  fully
   >      >>      re-entrant
   >      >> >    tuning, but that's just a personal and possibly temporal
   >      >>      preference.
   >      >> >    If you're interested, you can hear the results at:
   >      >> >    [1][1][4][13][18][28][34]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >> >    Cheers                cud
   >      >> >
   >      >> >    --
   >      >>      Chris
   >      >>      You certainly play with a lot of fire! I think the
   >  on
   >      the D
   >      >>      course does make quite a difference - a darker sound
   >    or
   >      more
   >      >>      depth. And, of course you now have extra notes below the
   >    third
   >      >>  course.
   >      >>      How do you get that effect on the letter A (chord of G)
   >    the
   >      first
   >      >>      bar
   >      >>      of the Roncalli Prelude?
   >      >>      Stuart.
   >      >> > References
   >      >> >
   >      >> >    1. [2][5][14][19][29][35]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >> >
   >      >> >
   >      >> > To get on or off this list see list information at
   >      >> >
   >  l
   >      >> >
   >      >>      --
   >      >>  References
   >      >>      1. [7][16][21][31][37]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>      2. [8][17][22][32][38]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>      3.
   >      >>
   >      >>  --
   >      >>
   >      >> References
   >      >>
   >      >>  1.
   >  ld.c
   >    om
   >      >>  2.
   >      >>
   >  riss
   >    @yah
   >      [26][36]oo.com
   >      >>  3.
   >  tmou
   >    th.e
   >      du
   >      >>  4. [22][28][38][43]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>  5. [23][29][39][44]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>  6.
   >      >>  7. [25][31][41][46]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>  8. [26][32][42][47]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      >>  9.
   >      >>
   >      >
   >      >
   >      >
   >      >
   >      --
   >    References
   >      1. [34][44][49]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >      2.
   >  o.co
   >    .uk
   >      3.
   >  th.e
   >    du
   >      4.
   >  @yah
   >    [48]oo.com
   >      5.
   >  rtmo
   >    [50]uth.edu
   >      6.
   >  @yah
   >    oo.com
   >      7.
   >  @yah
   >    oo.com
   >      8.
   >  om
   >      9.
   >  th.e
   >    du
   >      10.
   >  om
   >      11.
   >  @yah
   >    oo.com
   >      12.
   >  th.e
   >    du
   >      13. [46][58][61]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      14. [47][59][62]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      15.
   >      16. [49][61][64]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      17. [50][62][65]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      18.
   >      19.
   >  om
   >      20.
   >  @yah
   >    oo.com
   >      21.
   >  th.e
   >    du
   >      22. [55][67][70]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      23. [56][68][71]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      24.
   >      25. [58][70][73]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      26. [59][71][74]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >      27.
   >    --
   >  References
   >    1.
   >    2.
   >    3.
   >    4.
   >  .uk
   >    5.
   >  du
   >    6. [78][81]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >    7.
   >  .uk
   >    8.
   >  du
   >    9.
   >  oo.com
   >    10.
   >  uth.edu
   >    11.
   >  oo.com
   >    12.
   >  oo.com
   >    13.
   >    14.
   >  du
   >    15.
   >    16.
   >  oo.com
   >    17.
   >  du
   >    18. [90][93]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    19. [91][94]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    20. [92][95]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >    21. [93][96]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    22. [94][97]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    23. [95][98]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >    24.
   >    25.
   >    26. [98][101]http://oo.com/
   >    27.
   >    28. [100][103]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    29. [101][104]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    30.
   >    31. [103][106]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    32. [104][107]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    33.
   >    34. [106][109]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >    35.
   >  o.uk
   >    36.
   >  edu
   >    37.
   >  hoo.com
   >    38.
   >  outh.edu
   >    39.
   >  hoo.com
   >    40.
   >  hoo.com
   >    41.
   >    42.
   >  edu
   >    43.
   >    44.
   >  hoo.com
   >    45.
   >  edu
   >    46. [118][121]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    47. [119][122]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    48.
   >    49. [121][124]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    50. [122][125]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    51.
   >    52.
   >    53.
   >  hoo.com
   >    54.
   >  edu
   >    55. [127][130]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    56. [128][131]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    57.
   >    58. [130][133]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    59. [131][134]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >    60.
   >  --
   > References
   >  1. mailto:[136]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  2. mailto:[137]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  3. mailto:[138]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   >  4. mailto:[139]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
   >  5. mailto:[140]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  6. mailto:[141]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  7. mailto:[142]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   >  8. mailto:[143]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
   >  9. mailto:[144]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  10. mailto:[145]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  11. mailto:[146]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  12. mailto:[147]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  13. mailto:[148]mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
   >  14. mailto:[149]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   >  15. mailto:[150]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  16. [151]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >  17. mailto:[152]hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   >  18. mailto:[153]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  19. mailto:[154]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  20. mailto:[155]early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  21. mailto:[156]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  22. mailto:[157]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  23. mailto:[158]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  24. mailto:[159]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  25. mailto:[160]s.wa...@ntlworld.com
   >  26. mailto:[161]despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   >  27. mailto:[162]vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   >  28. [163]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  29. [164]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  30. [165]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  31. [166]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  32. [167]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  33. [168]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  34.
   >  35.
   >  36. [171]http://oo.com/
   >  37.
   >  38. [173]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  39. [174]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  40. [175]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  41. [176]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  42. [177]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  43. [178]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  44. [179]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >  45.
   >  46.
   >  47.
   >  48. [183]http://oo.com/
   >  49.
   >  50. [185]http://uth.edu/
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   >  58. [193]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  59. [194]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  60. [195]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  61. [196]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  62. [197]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  63. [198]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  64.
   >  65.
   >  66.
   >  67. [202]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  68. [203]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  69. [204]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  70. [205]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  71. [206]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  72. [207]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  73.
   >  74.
   >  75.
   >  76.
   >  77.
   >  78. [213]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   >  79.
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   >  81.
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   >  83.
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   >  85.
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   >  87.
   >  88.
   >  89.
   >  90. [225]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  91. [226]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  92. [227]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  93. [228]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  94. [229]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   >  95. [230]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   >  96.
   >  97.
   >  98. [233]http://oo.com/
   >  99.
   > 100. [235]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 101. [236]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 102. [237]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 103. [238]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 104. [239]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 105. [240]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 106. [241]http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
   > 107.
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   > 109.
   > 110.
   > 111.
   > 112.
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   > 116.
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   > 118. [253]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 119. [254]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 120. [255]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 121. [256]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 122. [257]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 123. [258]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 124.
   > 125.
   > 126.
   > 127. [262]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 128. [263]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 129. [264]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
   > 130. [265]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 131. [266]http://cudspan.net/baroque/
   > 132. [267]http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html



   1. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   2. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   3. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   4. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
   5. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   6. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
   7. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   8. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
   9. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
  10. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
  11. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  12. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  13. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
  14. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
  15. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  16. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  17. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  18. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  19. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
  20. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
  21. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  22. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
  23. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
  24. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  25. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
  26. mailto:early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu
  27. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
  28. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
  29. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  30. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  31. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  32. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
  33. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
  34. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  35. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  36. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.htm
  37. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  38. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  39. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  40. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.walsh@ntlwor
  41. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_ch
  42. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihu...@cs.dar
  43. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  44. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  45. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  46. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  47. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  48. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  49. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
  50. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmartyn@yaho
  51. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmou
  52. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
  53. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-gui...@cs.da
  54. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
  55. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
  56. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.walsh@ntlworld.c
  57. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmou
  58. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.walsh@ntlworld.c
  59. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
  60. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmou
  61. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  62. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  63. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  64. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  65. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  66. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  67. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.walsh@ntlworld.c
  68. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
  69. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmou
  70. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  71. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  72. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  73. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  74. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  75. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  76. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  77. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  78. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
  79. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co
  80. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
  81. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
  82. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co
  83. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
  84. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
  85. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-guitar@cs.dartmo
  86. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
  87. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
  88. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  89. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
  90. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
  91. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
  92. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
  93. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  94. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  95. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  96. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  97. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
  98. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
  99. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 100. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 101. http://oo.com/
 102. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 103. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 104. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 105. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 106. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 107. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 108. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 109. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
 110. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmartyn@yahoo.c
 111. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth
 112. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@ya
 113. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-guitar@cs.dartm
 114. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@ya
 115. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@ya
 116. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 117. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth
 118. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 119. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@ya
 120. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth
 121. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 122. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 123. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 124. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 125. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 126. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 127. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 128. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@ya
 129. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth
 130. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 131. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 132. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 133. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 134. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 135. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 136. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 137. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 138. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 139. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
 140. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 141. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 142. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 143. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
 144. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 145. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 146. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 147. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 148. mailto:mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
 149. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 150. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 151. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
 152. mailto:hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 153. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 154. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 155. mailto:early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu
 156. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 157. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 158. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 159. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 160. mailto:s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 161. mailto:despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 162. mailto:vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 163. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 164. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 165. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 166. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 167. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 168. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 169. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.walsh@ntlworld.c
 170. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss
 171. http://oo.com/
 172. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmou
 173. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 174. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 175. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 176. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 177. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 178. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 179. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
 180. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co
 181. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 182. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 183. http://oo.com/
 184. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-guitar@cs.dartmo
 185. http://uth.edu/
 186. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 187. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 188. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 189. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 190. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 191. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 192. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 193. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 194. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 195. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 196. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 197. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 198. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 199. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 200. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 201. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 202. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 203. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 204. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 205. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 206. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 207. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 208. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 209. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 210. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=mjlh...@tiscali.co.uk
 211. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 212. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 213. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
 214. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 215. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 216. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 217. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu
 218. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 219. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 220. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 221. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 222. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 223. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 224. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 225. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 226. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 227. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 228. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 229. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 230. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 231. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 232. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chriss@yah
 233. http://oo.com/
 234. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.e
 235. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 236. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 237. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 238. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 239. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 240. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 241. http://www.monicahall.co.uk/
 242. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=hodgsonmar...@yahoo.co.uk
 243. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 244. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 245. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=early-gui...@cs.dartmouth.edu
 246. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 247. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 248. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 249. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 250. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 251. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 252. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 253. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 254. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 255. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 256. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 257. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 258. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 259. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=s.wa...@ntlworld.com
 260. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=despopoulos_chr...@yahoo.com
 261. http://uk.mc263.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=vihuela@cs.dartmouth.edu
 262. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 263. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 264. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html
 265. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 266. http://cudspan.net/baroque/
 267. http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/%7Ewbc/lute-admin/index.html

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