François Pinard wrote:
[Mikolaj Machowski]

Vim only has syntax coloring with regexps. Emacs has functions to apply properties to text blocks, and I was hoping vim has something comparable.

Of course it is possible:

:help  /\%l
:help  /\%c

Humph, not really!

Text properties in Emacs span text regions, which move, expand or shrink while text is being edited outside or within them. Besides highlighting, text properties may also be used for making regions invisible (fully collapsed, not using any estate on the display), intangible (the cursor skips over them as if they were a single character), and many other things as well.

Efficiently adjusting tons of text properties in a buffer is a computational challenge: markers just cannot be used, as the time for updating markers at each editing action is proportional to the number of markers. If I remember well, text boundaries for an Emacs buffer are all held within a single heap structure. I think some people called them "priority queues", Python lovers may look for module "heapq", and the boundaries only get updated when the cursor moves through them. To understand this, one should know that within Emacs, the buffer text is split into the physical memory buffer as two parts on each end, with all the free space (nicknamed "the hole") kept in the middle. The cursor coincides with the hole, moving the cursor moves bits of the text over that hole. The heap helps at quickly finding the nearest boundaries for text properties, and updating them rather lazily, not far from the least often possible.

I would not think (but I do not really know) that users could easily reimplement equivalent features in Vim. This particular problem interests me somehow: I once wrote an Emacs package called `xxml.el' which does a decent job at highlighting SGML, HTML and XML, or cleverly refilling it (building over an astonishingly powerful packages named PSGML, written by Lennart Staflin). More than once, I pondered porting this `xxml.el' to Vim, but as it heavily uses text properties, I would have needed a replacement first. Reimplementing PSGML for Vim would have been a major undertaking as well, yet here, I would have went the Python way, in a Python-enabled Vim. Dreams, dreams, dreams... :-)

If you love Emacs so very much, go back to it! We don't care. Vim is not an Emacs emulator. It does its own things its own way, and if Emacs wants to incorporate everything including the kitchen sink, that isn't Vim's problem.

Best regards,

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