----- Original Message ----- From: "Georg Dahn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <vim@vim.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: Vim Job board?


my boss says that his editor is as least as good as mine and
he wants me to give up using Vim.

Which editor does he use? Emacs?

Sorry, I'm really bored of working together with developpers
who don't even know about regular expressions.

Oh, at least developers should know about regular expressions.

How about developers who don't know about tags? Most of the developers in my software lab use CodeWright for development, and although I'm pretty sure it supports tags, they do multiple greps to descend through multiple levels of function call or macro expansion! The company strongly encourages the use of CodeWright by developers, as they have an army of developers in Romania who have integrated CodeWright into what they call the "Toolset," a behemoth program or suite of programs, which is supposed to insulate the developer from messy things like makefiles, compilers and linkers. They also attempt to restrict programmers to a very uninteresting subset of the C programming language, in an attempt to decrease the likelihood of programmer error. I find such rules extremely restrictive and annoying. I believe the problem is that there are many people whose job description calls for software development, who are not really programmers. Thus, the job is dumbed-down to accomodate the least common denominator...

Brett Stahlman

Best wishes,

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