Hi Tony and Chip,

Yes indeed. When processing with my test there was a local $HOME/.vimrc

First case: without line "filetype plugin on" in $HOME/.vimrc file.

Second case: with line "filetype plugin on" in $HOME/.vimrc file.

In both cases: no $HOME/.vim/filetype.vim file and no file in
$HOME/.vim/ftplugin directory.

In the first case, the Ctrl-] shortcut calls the tag in my ./tags file. The
:verbose map <C-]> echos:
"No mapping found"
on the command line.

In the second case, the Ctrl-] shortcut echos ":call JumpToTag_ada('')" on
the command line. The :verbose map <C-]> echos:
"n  <C-]>       *@:call JumpToTag_ada('')<CR>"
on the command line.

JumpToTag() lies in the default ada ftplugin:

$ grep -n -R JumpToTag_ada /usr/share/vim/
/usr/share/vim/vim63/ftplugin/ada.vim:37:  nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-]>
:call JumpToTag_ada('')<cr>
/usr/share/vim/vim63/ftplugin/ada.vim:40:  nnoremap <unique> <buffer>
g<C-]>   :call JumpToTag_ada('','stj')<cr>
/usr/share/vim/vim63/ftplugin/ada.vim:168:function! JumpToTag_ada(word,...)

So in the first case, the <C-]> was no particular mapping but the default
behaviour which works.
In the second case, the <C-]> is mapped to the special function
JumpToTag_ada() from $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/ada.vim filetype plugin file.

That function is:

function! JumpToTag_ada(word,...)
  if a:word == ''
    " Get current word
    let word = AdaWord()
    if word == ''
    let word = a:word
  if a:0 > 0
    let mode = a:1
    let mode = 'tj'

  let v:errmsg = ''
  execute 'silent!' mode word
  if v:errmsg != ''
    if v:errmsg =~ '^E426:'  " Tag not found
      let ignorecase = &ignorecase
      set ignorecase
      execute mode word
      let &ignorecase = ignorecase
      " Repeat to give error
      execute mode word
if mapcheck('<C-]>','n') == ''
  nnoremap <unique> <buffer> <C-]>    :call JumpToTag_ada('')<cr>

which is supposed to call ":tj" on the word under the cursor.
The word under the cursor is indeed the right one. I called an "word =
AdaWord(); echo word" to be sure.
The bug is in the function JumpToTag_ada().

To convince everyone, I added the following lines in my local ada.vim
ftplugin file (which overwrites that of $VIMRUNTIME)):

function! GetToTag(...)
    let word = AdaWord()
    execute "tj" word
noremap <unique> <buffer> <C-]> :call GetToTag()<cr>

Those lines make everything work fine. So the few lines of JumpToTag_ada()
seem to be bugged.
What to you think?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 07/18/2006 01:11 AM

To:    vim


Subject:    Re: ftplugin not detected

Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:
>> When adding the "filetype plugin on" to my .vimrc file, my ftplugin
>> file is
>> indeed loaded when I edit *.adb files (Ada).
>> But it seems other stuff does not work in that case. I use vim 6.3.82.
>> So I made the following test: with no local filetype.vim file and no
>> in .vim/ftplugin directory, I added the line "filetype plugin on" to my
>> ..vimrc file.
>> Then the "Ctrl+]" shortcut which usually search my tagfile does not work
>> any more. Instead, it echos in the command-line ":call
>> JumpToTad_ada('')",
>> whereas without the new line in .vimrc it would return a list of choices
>> for the keyword under the cursor.
>> In the end, adding that simple line to my .vimrc file seems to break the
>> default configuration from $VIMRUNTIME directory, even though no
>> particular
>> file lies in my local $RUNTIMEPATH.
>> Any idea explaining that strange behaviour?
> Did you have a $HOME/.vimrc file before including the "filetype plugin
> indent on" line?  If you didn't,
> then you were using whatever your system had for a default (which can
> vary by linux distributor,
> for example).
> The "filetype plugin indent on" line turns on your plugins; ie. they're
> now being loaded, whereas they
> were not being loaded before.  Hence, the ctrl+] is likely to be
> invoking some mapping that you didn't
> have heretofore.
> :verbose map c_ctrl-v_]?

             :verbose map <C-]>

(The terminology isn't the same in the :map command as in :help).

Also, IIUC, the OP means Ctrl-] in Normal mode (jump to tag), not in
Command-line mode (trigger abbreviation).

> should show you what plugin is re-defining ctrl+] in the command line.
> Regards,
> Chip Campbell

Best regards,

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