Ok. Thanks to both of you.
I'll have a look in the detail about "how to properly map a command" as you
As for the choice of the right file to edit, do not worry, I do not have
the permissions to edit the $VIMRUNTIME directory :-D
At least we have got a clean Linux Box.

As for my problem, there's an "else" case missing in the handling of the
exceptions in the JumpToTag_ada() function. It forgets to deal with the
usual case when the tag is found :-)  :

function! JumpToTag_ada(word,...)
  if a:word == ''
    " Get current word
    let word = AdaWord()
    if word == ''
    let word = a:word
  if a:0 > 0
    let mode = a:1
    let mode = 'tj'

  let v:errmsg = ''
  execute 'silent!' mode word
  if v:errmsg != ''
    if v:errmsg =~ '^E426:'  " Tag not found
      let ignorecase = &ignorecase
      set ignorecase
      execute mode word
      let &ignorecase = ignorecase
      " Repeat to give error
      execute mode word
<These two lines beneath are to be added>
    execute mode word
<End of lines to add>

I'll email the maintainer to have his opinion.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 07/18/2006 02:39 PM

To:    Julien 3 NGUYEN

cc:    drchip, vim

Subject:    Re: ftplugin not detected

> Hi Tony,
> That's fine, thanks. When I have some time, I'll try and have a look at
> script in detail.
> If I have further questioning I'll then directly contact the maintainer.
> Regards,
> Julien

A last word of caution (well, maybe it should have been first): don't
make changes-in-place anywhere in $VIMRUNTIME or its subdirectories,
because any upgrade of Vim may silently remove any changes there.

If you want to owncode small changes to the ada ftplugin, place them
(for Unix) in ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/ada.vim or (for Windows) in
~/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/ada.vim . Or, for system-wide changes, you can
alternately place them in $VIM/vimfiles/after/ftplugin/ada.vim (all
platforms). If you want to do a full top-to-bottom rewrite of the
script, omit the /after/ link in the directory chain (e.g.,
$VIM/vimfiles/ftplugin/ada.vim). Create any not-yet-existent-but-needed
directories and/or files as you go.

Best regards,

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