On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 09:45:22PM +0800, Eddy Zhao wrote:
> Hi All,
> I Have the below configuration in vimrc
>    inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
>    nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i
> Press "Esc" to change from insert mode to normal mode DO
> disable the input method.
> But after that, when I press "i" to change from normal mode
> back to insert mode, the input method is not enbabled (in
> other words, I have to press C-SPACE to bring back the input
> method).
> I've tried on below software enviroment, all doesn't get things
> work (vim is with xim support)
> - fc5+ion3+scim+vim7.0(selfbuild & officalrpm)
> - fc6+gnome+scim+vim7.0(selfbuild & officalrpm)
> Meanwhile, the configuration works on windows.
> I've posted on mailing list similar problem before, but get no
> solution, the feature is so important, so I'm posting it again.
> Hope someone have the solution.
> Thanks
> Eddy

     I tried this on FC2:

:set stl=%{&imd}
:inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
:nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i

The first line (along with my usual :set laststatus=2) means that I can
check my 'imd' setting in the status line.  When I go between Normal and
Insert modes with i and <Esc>, it changes from 1 to 0 and back, so I
think it is working.

     Please try this and see whether you get anything different.  Also,
try it with

$ vim -u NONE
:set nocp

If you get the same results but are still having trouble, then the
problem might be some other setting.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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