I do the following
 - gvim -u NONE
 - :set stl=%{&imd} ls=2
 - :inoremap <ESC> <ESC>:set imd<CR>
 - :nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i
 - :set nocp
 - switching back & forth between normal mode & insert mode using "ESC" & "i"

When I pressing "i", the input focus is on command line & command line
shows ":set noimd<CR>i".

If I using ":nnoremap i :set noimd<CR>i<CR>", pressing "i" get me to
insert mode (with an extra newline). But switching back & forth between
normal mode & insert mode, status line always shows "0"

Does this reveal some root cause of the problem? How can I further narrow
down the problem?


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