On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 10:31:20AM -0500, James Vega wrote:
> Vim is running this command
>   /usr/bin/fish -c "(ls /tmp) >/tmp/v244859/1"
> fish doesn't allow you to use a subshell command as the actual command
> being run.  That is, the above command-line errors out (in an
> interactive shell) with "Illegal command name (ls /tmp)".  Vim should
> simply be running it as
>   /usr/bin/fish -c "ls /tmp >/tmp/v244859/1"

Actually, this doesn't stick to the original intent of the command Vim
is actually running.  The following is probably a better implementation

  /usr/bin/fish -c "begin; ls /tmp; end >/tmp/v244859/1"

since that allows multiple commands to be run and the output of all of
them will be redirected to the file.

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