On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 12:13:37 +0100
Vladimir Marek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe I misunderstood here. If you want to tell vim to use /bin/sh all
> the time, just put "set shell=" unconditionally into your vimrc.

That's clear, but I'd like to use fish and not /bin/sh as shell.

> And what interface exactly should vim use ? 

No idea.

> Every non-posix shell will probably have different one, so you would
> have to support them one by one.

Recently I hit the similar problem with darcs where one command was
chaining shell commands with '&&' which was not understood by fish, but
devs found elegant solution.

> > After switching to xmonad WM, i (mostly) replaced gvim with vim
> > running it in fullscreen session and I'd be more than happy being
> > able to jump into my default (fish) shell to perform e.g.
> > darcs-related tasks and not having to switch to another fish term.
> You can always run
> :!fish

That's the problem - it does not work - and you can try for yourself.

> Let's try to state the question differently. What's wrong if you
> :set shell=/bin/sh ? Some part of vim behaves differently than what
> would you want ?

I'd like to be able to do :set shell=/usr/bin/fish and use it.

> I don't think that emacs supports fish (but I might be wrong). The
> advantage which emacs has here, is that it can run commandline in a
> window, so you may start fish (or perl, python, etc.) in window and
> still edit text in other window.

I dunno, never really tried to use emacs, but I'm told it does not have
problem with fish.

> Hope this helps

Thank you for your input.


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