Dnia Wednesday 09 of April 2008, Tony Mechelynck napisał:
> I'm not sure this would be productive in the long run: you would still
> have to type the & when entering floating-point literals at the command
> line, so that "script-only" command would get in the way of learning
> "true" Vim floating-point language, the way mswin.vim gets in the way of
> learning "true" normal-mode commands.
> Once you'll have learnt that, in Vim, floating-point literals are
> distinguished by an & prefix (and MUST be typed that way at the
> keyboard), it will "feel normal" to write them the same way in scripts.

So maybe do it the other way. Introduce line for compatibility of old
scripts, eg:

behave pre8

This way many scripts will be broken out-of-the box but will be fixed
with one line. This also could apply to command line. With 'pre8'
floating point format would be '&123.456', without '123.456'.


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