Anoop Thomas Mathew wrote:
> What's your opinion about a project in VIM as an on the fly 
> code checker.

I thought I'd better not spam the list with my opinion when someone else
mentioned this project, but I can't resist this invitation.

I would prefer energy was spent on bug fixing and reducing the todo list.

I haven't used Microsoft Visual Basic for quite a while, but even with its
excellent and instantaneous code checking, the first thing I had to do was
disable its syntax checking. Even when I wrote code in Vim and then pasted
it into VB, I had to turn off syntax checking while tweaking because syntax
checking IS ANNOYING.

Of course many people like syntax checking, but if I were to guess which
group in society liked it the least, I would pick Vim users.

At any rate, if you want to give it a try, I would suggest working out how
to prototype the system without much attention to prettiness because
achieving satisfactory performance might be very hard. I can't imagine how
you could quickly check syntax without sharing knowledge between the editor
and the compiler (so the compiler doesn't have to check everything). No idea
how that could be achieved.

OTOH by the time the project is finished, computers may have speeded up
quite a bit<g>.


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