On Nov 15, 2013 7:49 AM, "Tony Mechelynck" <antoine.mechely...@gmail.com>
> On 14/11/13 04:00, Ben Fritz wrote:
>> On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 8:27:22 PM UTC-6, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> […]
>>> It looks like something that ought to apply with -p1 starting at the top
>>> of your Vim source directory tree (with the parent of src/ runtime/ etc.
>>> being the current directory)
>> Yeah, that's what I tried first. Didn't work.
>>> but I didn't try to see if it works. I have
>>> the impression that it was made by "git diff" or somesuch after
>>> converting the Mercurial repository to git form.
>> That was my thought as well.
>>> You might try "hg
>>> qimport" (with the mq extension enabled),
>> Don't have it and can't install it on the Solaris machine. Does that
work if the directory is a zip downloaded from Github instead of a real
repository? My workplace blocks all outgoing Hg, Git, and SVN connections.
> A zip downloaded from github will, IIUC, be a git repository and not a
Mercurial repository. Git is still "a foreign language" to me and even
reading the "git help" manuals doesn't give me any understanding of that
software's philosophy, so I cannot help you there. That's also why all the
advice I give is based on Mercurial. If someone else here is a git guru,
(s)he is more than welcome to speak up.

It will not be a repository at all. Neither git nor mercurial. Github
provides repository snapshots. I have never heard of a code hosting that
allows downloading archive with repository.

> If you can install Mercurial on your home machine and then clone Bram's
repository there, you could try applying the patch there. "hg diff"
understands git-style patches and can even produce them, unlike some
current versions of GNU patch and GNU diff; IMHO in the light of your
comments in this latest post of yours, that difference is your only hope of
getting that patch to apply on a Mercurial clone. — Or if the OP's patch
wasn't built from the latest Vim patchlevel (7.3.91 at the time this thread
was created IIRC) he ought to tell us which patchlevel he used as a
reference - the patch might have bitrotten since then. -- BTW the mq
extension which I mentioned is a Mercurial component which is included out
of the box in all current versions, but disabled by default. How to enable
it is explained in "hg help extensions" and "hg help config" but the latter
has a lot of info about other kinds of config settings.
> If your work sysadmin won't uninstall a Mercurial software package which
you would have installed somewhere under your home directory, you can make
a "bundle" from a Mercurial clone at home (see "hg help bundle") and
"unbundle" it on the work machine, thus creating a clone there without the
need for any hg connection over the Internet. Of course you still won't be
able to "hg pull" from Bram's repo at work, but you can make incremental
bundles at home and sneak them in on a USB key.
> If your work sysadmin _does_ forbid (and prevent) installing both Git and
Mercurial on your work machine, you will of course still find the full
source tree as part of a git or Mercurial repository — metadata is kept in
a directory named .git or .hg (respectively) inside it, plus maybe a very
small number of files with longer names starting with .git or .hg in the
top-level repository, so none of that additional stuff should be a problem.
But — "of course" again — you won't be able to run hg (q)import or hg
(q)diff without Mercurial installed, and similarly mutatis mutandis for the
corresponding git commands.
>>> and if it doesn't work at
>>> first try, you may want to remove the "index" lines in the patch.
>> I tried that too, for the patch utility.
>>> See
>>> "hg help qimport" and possibly "hg help qqueue" et al. for details.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> --
> Why I Can't Go Out With You:
> I'd LOVE to, but ...
>         -- I have to floss my cat.
>         -- I've dedicated my life to linguini.
>         -- I need to spend more time with my blender.
>         -- it wouldn't be fair to the other Beautiful People.
>         -- it's my night to pet the dog/ferret/goldfish.
>         -- I'm going downtown to try on some gloves.
>         -- I have to check the freshness dates on my dairy products.
>         -- I'm going down to the bakery to watch the buns rise.
>         -- I have an appointment with a cuticle specialist.
>         -- I have some really hard words to look up.
>         -- I've got a Friends of the Lowly Rutabaga meeting.
>         -- I promised to help a friend fold road maps.
> --
> --
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