On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 06:09:23PM +0200, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

> Marco Hinz wrote:

> > win_draw_end() is used to clear the end of the screen in certain
> > cases, e.g. very long, wrapped lines or the actual end of the buffer.
> > 
> > Fold and sign columns get continued although that's not useful at
> > all for the case of the end of buffer.
> > 
> > Therefore win_draw_end() gets split into:
> > 
> >     draw_end_of_screen()
> >     draw_end_of_buffer()
> > 
> > draw_end_of_screen() does does the same win_draw_end() did before
> > and draw_end_of_buffer() will care about the actual lines after
> > the last line in the buffer only.
> > 
> > Here two screenshots which show the difference:
> > 
> >     http://imgur.com/a/V0oN2

> Well, I suppose there is something to say for both ways.  What do users
> prefer?

if I were to vote (and it would be with the caveat that I'll probably
never use the sign column in this way) I'd vote for the 2nd way -- the
end of the buffer is the end, and no need for more eye candy.

_|_ _  __|_|_ ._ o|  
 |_(_)(_)|_| ||_)||< 

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