On Oct 09, 2009, at 09:19 , caruso_g wrote:
> On Oct 8, 9:23 pm, Marcus Ferreira <ferreira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> NERDTree is great, but a cocoa drawer is more info
> More info? I used (I use, actually) both TextMate then MacVim. Which
> kind of more infos does provide the project drawer more then NERDTree?
> To me it seems the opposite since NERDTree it is also a file browser
> and provide you so much more infos at a glance thanks to the color
> scheme that differentiate folder from files, from images, it shows
> hidden files, it lets you even create bookmarks to retrieve projects
> immediately.
>> in less space.
> What do you mean? You can resize NERDTree just like the drawer. You
> can put it to the left, to the right, you can set its width, you can
> put side by side with tags finder, and so on.
> Please, don't consider my opinion as polemic in any way, it is just
> that I can't understand your assertions due to my experience with
> NERDTree.
> I am using MacVim from to less time to be considered an expert, and
> initially I found it a bit… hmm… different. The lack of a project
> drawer left me a little bit disoriented. Later, thanks  to the great
> community behind Vim and MacVim I discovered NERDTree (and a lot of
> other plugins, colorschemes, settings etc.) and now I can get and
> accomplish so much more in MacVim/NERDTree then in the "obsolete"
> project drawer in TextMate.
> Really, give it a try, NERDTree is all you just need to navigate/
> create files, navigate/create projects, browse your Mac, etc.

I honestly could not sum up my thoughts on this issue better than  
this. Excellent points.


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