On Jun 10, 8:50 am, Marcio <marciot.freeshell....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I forgot to add the most important thing, using a RAM disk makes your
> Mac Plus go blazingly fast!

Heh, I was going to post this idea and Marcio beat me to it.

My floppy based Plus days are long ago, but that's what I did too,
before I had a hard drive.  Even after I got an external floppy drive,
I used a RAM disk based OS and apps, because it was sooooooo fast.

The machine would boot off of a floppy, and something like RAMStart
would copy the system to the RAM disk and switch the active system to
the RAM disk.  There's a trick in OS 6.x where you can option click a
Finder or some such and it will switch the active copy from the
current one to the one that you clicked.    Very handy, but it can be
bad if they're not the same revision.  But the RAM disk utility did
the switching for you, so you don't really need to know that.

After the boot floppy ejected, I would load another floppy and copy my
application to the RAM disk, usually a chopped down version of Word--
just the Word application, none of the helper files.    Then a
document floppy would go in the drive, and everything would be
blazingly fast.

I think I had 2.5 MB of RAM, and used 1 MB or 1.5 MB for the RAM disk,
which left a humongous 1 MB free for applications.

Anyway, if you can't fit everything you want on a single floppy disk,
do the RAM disk booting trick, then load your desired applications
onto the RAM disk and go from there.

Jeff Walther

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