they use windows, and with windows, they buy office, which includes outlook. there are so many better clients out there, than outlook. I'd go off topic, if I started saying how NVDA reads all headers before getting to the message list, but, anyway.

Sent from Thunderbird

On 08/02/17 2:16 AM, Pablo Cesar Morales wrote:
Sure Chris, Probably it is why companies and people use outlook instead and 

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of 
Richard Turner
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: PC's versus smart phones [WAS was Re: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad 
Mini to a Windows PC"]

I can download email significantly faster on my iPhone or iPod Touch 6 than I 
can on my Windows 10 64 bit laptop running Outlook 2016.
Plus, the threading on the Apple devices is so far superior than with Outlook, 
I can manage hundreds of emails far easier on the Apple devices.
The use of threading is also why I ask people to start a new thread when they 
want to change topics in a thread. Like the thread that started out about 
getting pictures off an iPad mini, than soon became a thread about handling 
emails on computers VS iPhones.
Once I decide I'm done with a thread, I stop opening the individual messages 
and just delete the thread.
Or, when it is clear that a thread has been taken off topic, I just delete the 
Saves tons of time.
And, while offices are not going to stop using computers, I use my iPhone a ton 
when I'm out of the office to update my calendar, write up reports, etc. Then 
when I get back to the office, I can get my work done very quickly.
I could go on and on, but won't.
For some, the iPhone iPod, iPad are a secondary device, but for me it is equal 
if not a little ahead of the computer.
I will always turn to the computer for audio editing, but almost everything 
else, I can do as effectively on my Apple devices.

"I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's 
evidence of any thinking going on inside it." - Terry Pratchett

On Feb 7, 2017, at 4:31 PM, Christopher Chaltain <> wrote:

First of all, no where did I say that you said we can't handle emails on our 
smart phones. You don't want to be taken out of context, so please extend that 
courtesy to others on the list as well.

In fact, what you did say, and I quote, is "... with a computer you will be doing 
the same thing in seconds, instead hours." All I said in my email, which you can 
read below, is that this is an exaggeration and is only your experience and your opinion.

If you can read, reply to, file and delete a hundred message on your PC in a 
few seconds then that's great, and you are infinitely more proficient with 
email on your PC than I am. On the other hand if it takes you hours to read, 
reply to, move and delete a hundred emails on your smart phone then you're 
either doing some complicated email formatting like Seeghard describes, or I'm 
a lot more proficient when it comes to handling email on a smart phone then you 

In fact, there are some tasks I prefer to do on my iPhone. For example, if I'm 
going to read, delete and move a bunch of emails at work, I'll do that on my 
iPhone before I'll do that in Outlook on my PC. I just find that Outlook with 
JAWS or NVDA just doesn't handle threading as eel as the Mail app does on the 
iPhone. If I were also talking about replying to and writing emails then yes, 
I'm going to go to my PC first. Also, if I were comparing the Mail app on my 
iPhone to Thunderbird with Orca on Linux, then I'd take that combination on my 
PC over the iPhone, but that's not an option for me at the job.

I agree that doing some things, such as content generation, is generally more 
efficient on a PC than on a smart phone, but a lot of things related to content 
consumption is just as easy if not easier on a tablet or smart phone. My 
problem with your statement is that you're making wild exaggerations, you're 
stating your opinion as fact and you're not providing any use cases or details 
about what you're doing that's so much more efficient on your PC.

I also don't agree that your smart phone or tablet is a supplementary device. 
It may be in your case, and that's fine. I know plenty of people though who use 
a tablet now as their primary device, and yes that is in an office setting. I'm 
not there yet, but it isn't because mobile devices don't have the necessary 
computing power. It has to do more with the state of the apps, their 
accessibility, and keyboard support. Convertible devices are also blurring the 
distinction between mobile devices and laptops, and there's no reason to think 
this trend won't continue. Look at the specs of your high end smart phones and 
the specs you need on your PC to accomplish the same tasks. The deltas have 
shrunk incredibly over the last few years, if they even exist at all any more.

You can relegate your smart phone and tablet to a supplementary device if you 
want, but I'm glad their are innovators at Canonical, Microsoft and elsewhere 
that realize there's no reason why one device can't bridge the gap between the 
mobile and desktop spaces.

On 07/02/17 10:21, Pablo Cesar Morales wrote:
Just research, just ask on blogs, just see it by yourself. Christopher, I 
understand that what I am saying is a little bit painful for smart phone users, 
but we need to be realistic. Smart phones are supplementary tools, they are not 
work tools with enough power to replace a computer. No, no yet.
Of course that when you are traveling you use your phone, supplementary tool. I 
am not saying that you cannot use your phone to read or reply an email, did I 
say so?
No right?
Ok, don't take my emails out of the point. I am saying that people using smart 
phones are not that efficient managing emails as they are using a computer. 
Just take that statement, not add or remove anything from there.
The fact that you take 15 more minutes using your phone to handle emails is 
proving what I am saying.
If you believe that you working as a professional in your office will not need 
a computer because you have an iPhone, you are wrong, and you will not get any 
job thinking like that. It is already proved, we are not efficient working on 
smart phones as we are on a computer.
People works a lot faster using a computer than using their smart phones. It is 
for logic reasons. Simplicity of the apps is one, size of screen is other, 
limitations of hardware is other. And the list can continue.
Now try to read my email again, and you will see that I am not saying that we 
cannot handle emails, I am saying that we are not efficient if I  compare with 
a computer handling emails.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Christopher Chaltain
Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2017 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

This doesn't need to be the case. Smart phones have more than enough computing 
power to make handling emails just as efficient as on a PC.
The applications used may need some improvement to get there, but there's 
nothing limiting about a mobile platform when it comes to handling emails.

Also, the delta between what you can do now on your smart phone and what you 
can do on your PC isn't nearly as wide as the message below would make you 
believe. I prefer to do most of my emailing from my PC, but when my PC isn't 
available to me, such as when I'm traveling, the difference is more like 30 
minutes on my PC to 45 minutes on my smart phone. This is just an estimate, but 
it's definitely not seconds versus hours.

I'm not sure if this is just unabashed exaggeration or maybe the poster just 
isn't as proficient with email aps on their smart phone as they are with email 
clients on their PC. Either way, below is just one person's experience and just 
one persons opinion.

On 07/02/17 06:53, Pablo Cesar Morales wrote:
Management of emails from a smart phone?

No way. Smart phones are supplementary tools. You will be more
efficient  handling your email from your computer than from your iPhone.
Especially when we are talking about huge amounts of emails per day.

To handle 10 or 15 per day is ok, but not to handle hundreds of
emails, that is a little bit silly and a waste of time. Probablly a
good exercise for your hands, but with a computer you will be doing
the same thing in seconds, instead hours.

No way.

*From:* []
*On Behalf Of *Mike Ulrich
*Sent:* Tuesday, February 7, 2017 6:09 AM
*Subject:* RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC


I’m glad I’m not the only one that if isn’t carefully keeping up
with them, had at previous times a inbox with a massive amount of emails in it!

One time though, I did select them all; and deleted them. I had
3000 emails at the time. It was a should I stay or should I go
moment for sure! LOL!

So I try to keep up with both my laptop’s Outlook inbox, along with
my 5S inbox too! A good lesson for sure!

*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Sieghard Weitzel
*Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2017 6:22 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Sounds like it's time for you to again sell your iPhone and go back
to Android **smile**.

I look at my camera roll like my email Inbox. If I don't deal with
the emails in my Inbox on a regular bases pretty soon I also have
thousands of emails in there and of course I can't delete them all
since some are important. In the same way I delete those pictures I
don't want or no longer need on a regular bases.



*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Pablo Cesar Morales
*Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2017 2:27 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Oh wow,

I have 4715 pictures that I need to delete. Is not a easyer way to
delete all pictures not using iTunes?

Of course that those pictures weren’t taken in the same place or at
the same time. Regarding this kind of issues android is several steps ahead.
With my pixel I just connect my phone to my computer, and as you
said before, control + A, and delete key. Problem fixed.

*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Sieghard Weitzel
*Sent:* Monday, February 6, 2017 3:59 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

I don't think you can delete via Windows Explorer so you will have
to do it on the phone. You can select groups of pictures, e.g. if
you took 10 pictures at a particular time and date then it should
have the place based on GPS location listed along with the time and
you can select all the pictures in that group which is faster than
selecting each picture separately.'

*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Pablo Cesar Morales
*Sent:* Monday, February 06, 2017 12:43 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Now, and how can I take all the pictures out of my iPhone? Like
delete all of them. I tried select all, and delete, but they are not deleted.
I don’t want to use iTunes, this software is a pain in the…

*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Evan Reese
*Sent:* Monday, February 6, 2017 1:57 PM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Re: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Oh, well, I didn’t know it was that simple.

Thanks very much.


*From:*Sieghard Weitzel <>

*Sent:*Monday, February 06, 2017 1:52 PM

*To:* <>

*Subject:*RE: Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Just turn off Photo Library in Settings > iCloud. Once that is done
the iPad should show up in Windows Explorer as a drive and you an
access the pictures there and just highlight all with Control+A,
Control+C to copy, go to a folder on your PC and Control+V to copy.



*From:* <>
[] *On Behalf Of *Evan Reese
*Sent:* Monday, February 6, 2017 10:47 AM
*To:* <>
*Subject:* Getting Pictures Off of an iPad Mini to a Windows PC

Hey Guys,

My partner doesn’t own an Apple device, but she likes to use my iPad
Mini 4 to take pictures because she can see what she’s taking a
picture of better than with her digital camera. We would like to be
able to get these pictures off of it onto her Windows PC. There are
several hundred of them now, so doing it manually one at a time
won’t be feasible. Is there some program that we can install on her
Windows PC that will transfer them? She doesn’t need to install
iTunes because, as I mentioned, she doesn’t own any Apple devices,
and she doesn’t use my iPad Mini for anything other than taking
pictures. If installing iTunes is the only, or the best, solution,
then I can do that; but it seems like overkill just to transfer a bunch of 

Finally, if it’s something other than iTunes, it needs to be
accessible with her JAWS.

Thanks for any guidance.


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