What's verbosity David! I hadn't expected such a lengthy answer! I will try to 
remember that if I crash again…

Carol P
Sent from my iPhone using MBraille

On 11 Nov 2013, at 05:16 pm, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, when nothing happens, the usual reaction is that we start getting worried. 
So, rather than waiting, we start moving our finger around the screen, then 
pressing the home button, then pressing the power button, then trying to 
trigger a reboot, all in the space of a few seconds; which feels like a few 
minutes to our heightened sense of anxiety. Numerous studies well-demonstrate 
that as we become anxious, time slows down, or our perception of time speeds 
up. In the ultimate panic attack, the amount of actual time that has passed is 
5 to 10 seconds. However, the subjective time experienced by the person is 
reported as almost forever. In other words, no matter how much we know that a 
long time has passed, unless we have independent confirmation whilst in this 
state of heightened anxiety, we absolutely cannot and must not trust our own 
perception of how much actual time has passed, because it is most probably 

Also, we automatically have the sense that doing something, anything at all, is 
better than doing nothing. Doing something gives us the false perception that 
we are in control, and when anxiety is building, we desperately need to believe 
that we are in control.

So, in our attempt to convince ourselves that we are actually in control, 
rather than at the mercy of the technology which is silently attempting to 
correct an internal error (which happens to all high-tech devices by the way), 
we start flooding the device with commands which start overloading the system 
that is already in the process of attempting to correct itself.

What we should do is, once we automatically touch the device to see if it is 
responding and get no feedback from slowly moving a finger across the screen 
is, take our hands away from the device, force ourselves to take three deep 
breaths, each one slower than the one before, and then slowly count to 15. Do 
this counting in your mind, or even aloud if you are alone, by thinking or 
saying, one one-thousand, two one-thousand, ... Fifteen. All of this forces the 
anxious mind into some structure which helps the anxiety keep from going into a 
panicky spin. Oh, it also gives the technology, whether it be iOS device, 
computer, Android device, and so forth, the chance to correct itself rather 
than going into a completely overloaded state where the only solution is to 
reset the device.

David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Nov 2013, at 4:46, Carol Pearson <carol.pearso...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I was interested in this post, since I didn't realise how this worked. My 
> only comment is that quite often you don't understand that VO has crashed 
> until you start feeling around the screen!
> Carol P
> Sent from my iPhone using MBraille
> On 11 Nov 2013, at 02:13 am, David Chittenden <dchitten...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Pablo,
> The occasional occurrences of VO suddenly becoming silent for a little while 
> appears to be iOS resetting its memory. In most cases, if you wait 15 to 30 
> seconds, VO comes back on and says Voice Over Ready. This means, VO had to be 
> restarted. I remember when iOS 6 came out and VO would sometimes crash. Apple 
> has improved the system now such that, when VO crashes, for what ever reason, 
> it automatically restarts if you leave the system alone for a little while.
> Why is leaving the system alone so important? A sighted friend explained it 
> to me. In iOS hierarchy, touching the screen takes precedence over almost 
> every other task. Therefore, when you start touching and moving your finger 
> around the nonresponsive screen, this distracts iOS and may block VO from 
> restarting; thereby necessitating rebooting your iPhone.
> David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
> Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
> Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 11 Nov 2013, at 12:41, "Pablo Morales" <pablomorale...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sieghard, what are you talking about?
>> So for you is not fir that I  complain when I feel that somebody is abusing 
>> when they decrees the quality of a product?
>> For example, in IOs 5, the typing emails or typing text messages, wasn't a 
>> problem, in IOs 6  either, but now in IOs 7  is very difficult. If not every 
>> body is getting the same problem, it doesn't mean that is not enough people 
>> getting the problem. I have seen this kind of complain in the list, several 
>> times. It was happening in the previous versions of IOs?
>> No, it didn't.
>> Now VO says after the screen is locked, "Screen locked"and seconds or 
>> minutes later, VO repeats the message.
>> It happened before?
>> No, it didn't.
>> When we receive a call, is easy to find the end button? is easy to finish 
>> the phone call?
>> No, it is not, is not one people getting this problem, is a lot of people 
>> saying the same thing. It happened before?
>> No, it didn't.
>> Field a text box in a web site, is difficult, or some times impossible. If 
>> you don't do it, it doesn't means that it is not a bug. It means that you 
>> don't field text fields on web sites, it is all. It happened before?
>> No, it didn't.
>> Now when we are reading the list of emails, or what ever list of content, 
>> voice over jumps every where, and we have to cross the whole list of content 
>> again to find where we were before VO jump out.
>> it happened before?
>> No, it didn't.
>> Now, if we are playing a song, or audio book, or what ever kind of media, 
>> and we press the power button, VO says the track position. Before VO said 
>> the time. Now VO says the track position. It happened before?
>> No, it didn't.
>> I have taken the situation when VO stop talking, my phone is in silence for 
>> seconds, or minutes. Some times I have to turn off my phone, guessing 
>> pressing the power button for 10 seconds, and making a double tab on the 
>> screen, or just holding the power button for more than 10 seconds. What is 
>> happening?
>> No body knows, but I am looking emails of people who is getting pretty 
>> similar problems. it happened before?
>> No, it didn't!
>> How many, "no, It didn't", you want Sieghard?
>> . I understand that VO included new things in IOs 7, but why they have to 
>> break things that were working well before?
>> In my opinion, apple didn't care every detail in this last IOs. Now, I am 
>> talking about the problems with VO, and are so much more problems that are 
>> not in this email. But add to this list the problems  that people who is not 
>> voice over user is getting?
>> I am not saying that apple is not a good product. It is the better product 
>> right now. But they are not taking care of details, as they have done 
>> before. While Sangsum is improving and doing better phones every day, apple 
>> is not doing a good effort in this issue. So I am not talking about 
>> hardware, I am talking about IOs developers.
>> In the last 2  versions of IOs, they included new things, but they broke 
>> things that were working well before. One more thing, today we are in 
>> November 10, 2013. In one more year, you will see that we will be talking 
>> about new bugs, in the new IOs, and the bugs and problems that we are 
>> getting now, will not be fixed all of them when the new Ios comes, even 
>> though we will have to start, to restart again, with new bugs, and never we 
>> will be happy, because every year, they have a new IOs, and we have to 
>> restart the hard process of report bugs, bugs that some will be fix, but 
>> other never will be fix.
>> So Sieghard. In my opinion again. Apple makes great phones, but I can not 
>> say the same thing of the last IOs that I have seen. Remember Sieghard. I am 
>> very interested in a iPhone or an iPad working well. I am the owner of those 
>> devices. The difference is that I want that apple makes a better effort 
>> developing operated system. Our pressure to apple will be good for us, and 
>> for apple also. When you make pressure on somebody, you make that person 
>> stronger. When you make pressure on apple to fix these silly things that 
>> before didn't work bad, but now are not working well, it will make apple 
>> stronger. not Sangsum, not Sony, not Panasonic. Apple needs to do a best 
>> effort with this issue. It is for apple, more than for us.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Sieghard Weitzel" <siegh...@live.ca>
>> To: <viphone@googlegroups.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 4:13 PM
>> Subject: RE: When will Apple take this seriously?
>>> Hello,
>>> Here is my summary of this entire thread:
>>> The original poster complained about 3 items and pointed out a fourth:
>>> 1. Hanging up phone calls is unreliable
>>> 2. He can't tap on a phone number in a text message or email to dial it or
>>> save it to contacts
>>> 3. Filling out web forms is buggy.
>>> 4. Things worked better on his old Nokia with Talks.
>>> Then Pablo jumped in with his well-known rant about how horrible Apple is in
>>> general because they make such expensive and terrible devices which don't
>>> work, where people are forced to upgrade to iOS 7 and where generally
>>> accessibility is terrible and where Pablo's "rights" are violated in a
>>> number of ways.
>>> As for Pablo's arguments, I have actually agreed with him in a very general
>>> way that Apple should give people the option to say if they wanted a new iOS
>>> to download automatically or not. At first I didn't see his point, but he
>>> argued this point well and I agree there should be such an option. However,
>>> this is in my view the only issue. Apple is not forcing anybody to upgrade
>>> to iOS 7. Yes, they are pushing the update and it takes up space on your
>>> phone, but you do not have to install it and I'll challenge anybody who says
>>> that iOS 7 magically installed on their phone without them doing anything or
>>> twice agreeing to the terms and conditions which simply does not happen. If
>>> Apple were to allow down the road that one could turn off the automatic
>>> downloading then nobody including Pablo could complain in any way because at
>>> that point if they upgrade it is entirely their choice. It's already their
>>> choice, but let's say somebody has an 8 Gb phone and they really need to
>>> free up that space so they install it, that is just a little big of pressure
>>> there even though you still decide to put up with iOS 7 in return for
>>> getting back 2 Gb of space on your phone.
>>> Now, as to the 4 items above:
>>> 1. Hanging up calls is unreliable
>>> I actually find the 2-finger double tap works better in iOS 7 but that is
>>> just my opinion. I think it's pretty safe to say though that it works at
>>> least as well and I have up to this point and it's now 2 months since iOS 7
>>> was released, not seen a single post where somebody asked about or mentioned
>>> a problem with the 2-finger double tap to hang up.
>>> There is of course the other way to hang up a call which works 100% and that
>>> is to touch the End Cal lbutton which is really not hard to find as it's
>>> right there about the ome Key and to double tap it.
>>> As somebody else pointed out, it's not hard to check whether a call was hung
>>> up or is still connected.
>>> 2. He can't tap on a phone number in a text message or email to dial it or
>>> save it to contacts
>>> This works flawlessly for me and judging by what others wrote also for them.
>>> A simple double tap on a phone number asks me whether I want to call it, a
>>> double tap and hold brings up the options to call, add to contacts etc. I'd
>>> really like to see how this isn't working on Avnish's phone who I think was
>>> the one who posted that all of this didn't work.
>>> 3. Filling out web forms is buggy.
>>> This one I understand is an issue, I can't comment too much on it since I
>>> don't use Safari much to fill out web forms. I have done a few Google
>>> searches andwas able to type in a search term just find, the same on the
>>> Audible site. Anyhow, if it is buggy then I sure hope those who find this so
>>> horrible have written to Apple about it. To me this is like voting. If I
>>> talk to somebody about politics and they start a big rant about the
>>> government I usually ask first if they voted in the last election. More than
>>> once somebody said that they don't vote in which case I usually tell them
>>> that they might as well shut up then because if they don't participate in
>>> electing the government then they have no right to complain. I am not saying
>>> Avnish hasn't written to Apple to explain places where encounters problems,
>>> but I see a lot of this on the list and I wonder if everybody also takes the
>>> time to compose a constructive email to accessibil...@apple.com to make sure
>>> they know about the issues.
>>> 4. Things worked better on his old Nokia with Talks.
>>> Well, what can I say, Ricardo already said it. Talks has been gone for some
>>> time and no Nokia phone with Talks even at its best can do what the iPhone
>>> can do or even get close to the level of accessibility iOs offers. It's of
>>> course easier to offer accessibility for a device which has only half the
>>> features of iOS. I remember trying to use Skype on my Windows Smartphone
>>> with MobileSpeak and it was a complete joke and waste of time. Apps were
>>> almost non-existent and I wore out the battery cover on my phone because I
>>> had to open it up so often to take the battery out when it crashed.
>>> Apple has done more for main stream accessibility in the last 4 years than
>>> all other companies combined in the last 25 years yet here people are
>>> complaining about the horrible accessibility and how buying an expensive
>>> phone apparently gives them the right to have perfect accessibility and
>>> everything else. Next thing I'm sure people thing Apple is responsible for
>>> them being blind to begin with. But of course Apple, the most successful
>>> tech company ever, gets bashed left right and centre by everybody, why not
>>> by the blind. I for one find it is getting old and it's very tiring. I also
>>> don't think this attitude will motivate Apple do do better. Constructive and
>>> detailed reporting of bugs, maybe I should say "real bugs" not user error
>>> bugs and well thought-out suggestions for improvements will eventually make
>>> things better, I'm sure the accessibility team is not twittling their thumbs
>>> but instead are working on fixing reported bugs and issues.
>>> Regards,
>>> Sieghard
>>> -- 
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