Andrew Black wrote:
> Can I run a subset of the make test - it takes me 40 mins to get to the
> point of failure (reminds me of batch Fortran jobs at university).

First off, use "Build test".  Module::Build provides a Makefile.PL/make/make 
test/make install for compatibility but to eliminate possible complications in 
that wrapper code you should use the native Build.PL/Build/Build test/Build 
install.  Note that "Build" is an executable generated by Build.PL in the 
source directory so you'll have to apply whatever necessary VMS voodoo to run 

If you want to run tests individually use "prove" which comes with the latest 

    ./Build && prove -I$PWD/blib/lib -I$PWD/blib/arch t/this.t t/that.t

Or you can just roll your own.

    ./Build && perl -I$PWD/blib/lib -I$PWD/blib/arch -wle 'use Test::Harness; 
runtests @ARGV' t/this.t t/that.t

Or cut Test::Harness out of the picture entirely and look at the raw output.

    ./Build && perl -I$PWD/blib/lib -I$PWD/blib/arch t/this.t t/that.t

The absolute paths to blib are necessary because Module::Build likes to chdir 
in its tests and "prove -b" uses relative paths.  Translate to VMS conventions 
as necessary.

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