I would say that re-doing the cable ends on the patch cables would be a good
first step. Perhaps buy an inexpensive ($20-30) cable tester to make sure
the signal is good all the way through. Also make sure you don't have any
crossed wires. Further, I would make sure you've actually got CAT5 cable,
and not CAT3 (phoneline). One of my co-workers was living in an extended
stay motel for awhile when he first moved here and their network kept
crashing whenever he hooked up his VOIP phone. Turns out they were wired
with standard phone line, and not CAT5 ethernet cable, and the
CAT3/Phoneline couldn't handle the load and dropped the signal.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:34 AM
To: James Weatherall; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: "The connection closed unexpectedly"

Hi James and John,
Just reading a note that you wrote to Ben.  I had the same problem the other
day with my machine and all we did was to uninstall and reinstall VNC and
the "connection closed..." message quit.
Now, for the 10054 error.  I originally wanted to wipe the drive clean and
redo everything, but now I am starting to wonder.  Two computers are
connected to the cable modem via a router, and the port forwarding is right.
I had John Aldrich drill that into my thick head about 20 times before I got
it and now I know it is right.
We direct-connected the cable modem and the computer and still got the 10054
error.  The people that live upstairs are also tied into the network, and he
came down one day, wiggled a few ethernet cables and got his internet to
The first question is could VNC be sensitive eno! ugh that a momentary loss
of signal could cause it to reset the connection at the server end?  That is
the end with the loose ethernet cable(s), and that does not implicate the
router if the connection ends are loose?  Also, if the cable modem is now
letting me in and then resetting the connection does that leave the cable
modem out of it?  I can have the office manager go to Adelphia and exchange
modems and hope that is the problem, but I want to believe that the ends of
the RJ45 are suspect cuz that is the easiest, quickest fix.
Please let me know what you think.  I am going to send this to John Aldrich
too cuz I need and want the Best Opinions on this one.  I saw nothing in the
mailing list questions that even came close to answering this problem. I did
do my homework as best I could before coming to both of you for help.
We are using VNC to enter motel reservations remotely from either my comp!
uter or the Owner's computer into the Motel Office computer.  February
starts the bookings in earnest.
Thank You for your Help Gentlemen,
   Joe  Rubinic

James Weatherall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


OK, the thing to check at this point is the reason that VNC Server closed
the connection - check the Application Event Log of the server computer for
messages starting "Connections: closed", from WinVNC4. Obviously, you'll
need to look for messages corresponding to the point at which things started


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 26 January 2006 11:01
> To: 'James Weatherall'
> Cc: vnc-list@realvnc.com
> Subject: RE: "The connection closed unexpectedly"
> Hi Wes
> > Are you using Fast User Switching or Remote Desktop on the 
> > problem computer? That could cause the error that you're 
> > seeing, which would go away when you reboot.
> No, I'm not using either of these things at all. All of my 
> computers are
> only accessed remotely through VNC (ie, there's no-one onsite using
> them), and I have not set up Remote Desktop for any of them 
> either. The
> problem is intermittent too - if I reboot the problem computers now,
> they'll probably be fine for another couple of days or weeks before it
> happens again. 
> > One other thing - is the computer in question configured 
> > for power-saving (standby mode, monitor power-off, etc)
> Standby mode is! not enabled, and monitor power-off is timed at 20mins
> (however, there's no on-site monitor anyway). All of my 
> systems (20) are
> configured identically though - so I'd expect to see these symptoms
> across the board, rather than on just 1/3 of them. It certainly has me
> baffled!
> Ben
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