Hi Wes

> Are you using Fast User Switching or Remote Desktop on the 
> problem computer? That could cause the error that you're 
> seeing, which would go away when you reboot.

No, I'm not using either of these things at all. All of my computers are
only accessed remotely through VNC (ie, there's no-one onsite using
them), and I have not set up Remote Desktop for any of them either. The
problem is intermittent too - if I reboot the problem computers now,
they'll probably be fine for another couple of days or weeks before it
happens again. 

> One other thing - is the computer in question configured 
> for power-saving (standby mode, monitor power-off, etc)

Standby mode is not enabled, and monitor power-off is timed at 20mins
(however, there's no on-site monitor anyway). All of my systems (20) are
configured identically though - so I'd expect to see these symptoms
across the board, rather than on just 1/3 of them. It certainly has me

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