All I can suggest at this point is looking to see if any errors are in 
the Event Viewer that may offer clues,
and make sure you are running the latest version (4.1.1)...

Ben wrote:

>>Well, that is strange then. I assume you are running it as a service, 
>>and not in User mode, right?
>Yes, running it as a service at both ends. 
>>Once you receive the error, are you still able to enter a 
>>password each time, or does it stop accepting connections altogether?
>I can continue to try to log I as many times as I like - it never stops
>accepting connections, but just never lets me in either.
>I am wondering if it has something to do with the startup settings on
>the PC - maybe there's been an error of sorts. Still, its infrequent
>nature is the most frustrating parts about it! I might get it started
>this afternoon, but it could come back at any time. 
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