Could this be a timing issue?

I've found, even without using VNC, that after rebooting my XP Pro system it
takes what I think is a huge amount of time before the system is "stable".

Could it be that the VNC listener is not fully operational when you try to log

Or that the firewall hasn't got its wits completely about it yet so it thinks
it shouldn't allow the connection?

What happens if, after rebooting a server you wait a *long* time, say 5
minutes, before logging in again? Do you still see the failure? If not, try
cutting the time down, and down again etc. until it starts failing. Then
you'll know how long you need to wait before trying a new login after a

Of course, this may be complete nonsense ...

Harold Fuchs
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: B. Scott Smith
  To: Ben
  Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:13 AM
  Subject: Re: "The connection closed unexpectedly"

  Well, that is strange then. I assume you are running it as a service,
  and not in User mode, right?
  You should also check the Event Viewer to see if it is logging anything
  of interest when it fails.
  Once you receive the error, are you still able to enter a password each
  time, or does it stop accepting connections altogether?

  Ben wrote:

  >I am the only "User" for these remote PCs, and this situation only
  >happens after I have been logged on (in VNC) and re-booted the PC.
  >I normally wait a couple of minutes for the PC to completely restart
  >before logging back in through VNC again, and although the usual
  >passowrd prompt box appears, it won't accept let me access the PC
  >(giving the error "The connection closed unexpectedly").
  >I can disable the FUS feature, but I imagine that it probably won't
  >affect things as there is no FUS being performed on these systems.
  >Additionally, a hard boot of the PC usually gets the system up and
  >running again - but it might work fine for another day, another week or
  >another month before this problem surfaces again. It's very intermittent
  >- that's the main problem. But, it's affecting more than one system
  >(currently 6 PCs have suffered from this condition in the last few
  >-----Original Message-----
  >From: B. Scott Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  >Sent: Thursday, 26 January 2006 12:45 PM
  >To: Ben
  >Subject: Re: "The connection closed unexpectedly"
  >No, that shouldn't cause any problem, then.
  >As long as User's logoff, and not "switch", all should work just fine.
  >Are you sure this isn't happening?
  >Disabling the FUS feature would prove or disprove it...
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