Comcast held my business telephone number hostage for months when I moved. I had to port it away from them because they didn't provide service in the area I moved to. The port request failed in their system and then got lost in never-never land. They kept telling me they didn't have my number anymore, so I had to prove they did by showing them the SPID associated with the TN in NPAC. Had I not worked in telecom and known how to do that I would have lost the business number I'd had for 10 years. In my experience with Comcast, they are more interested in locating a road block than a solution. You can try to getting everyone on the same call because that works well if people will attend. But if they won't cooperate, unfortunately the PUC and FCC complaints are the only way to light a fire under them.

BackUP Telecom Consulting
Office: 615-791-9969
Cell: 615-796-1111

On 2022-06-16 03:20 PM, wrote:
I try to get all stake holders on a conference call.  New carrier, old
carrier, you, and the customer.


From: VoiceOps <> On Behalf Of Aaron de
Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2022 4:09 PM
Subject: [VoiceOps] Comcast rejecting port requests for 4 months

Hey everyone,

We have a large SIP trunk with Comcast with around 275 numbers

We've been trying to port about 200 of those numbers to another
provider for the past 4 months to do some geeky things that Comcast
doesn't support.

Due to reasons only known to Comcast, there are 5 different account
numbers vaguely associated with those phone numbers and I keep getting
wildly different answers from Comcast staff.

One is for the EDI circuit.

One is for the AdTran.

One is for the SIP Trunk

One is for "master billing"

One is a "hierarchy account"

The winning carrier has submitted the requests with every possible
combination of account number and 'CPNI code' (Comcast's account PIN)
we have along with all our addressing information, copies of bills,
etc...and Comcast keeps rejecting it with zero useful information.
i.e. bad address, bad PIN, bad account number, etc...

Every time I even mention "porting out" to a Comcast rep, they say
"FCC regulation prevents us from talking about it".

The winning carrier has had so much trouble, they finally sent me the
"port order number" and said "call Comcast and talk to them about it.
Good luck."

Of course calling the Comcast porting number gives you a short
recorded message about "due to COVID, use some portal _click_".

I'm technically a contractor for the end-user and not a phone service
provider, so I don't have access to whatever portal they are talking

It's been absolute _hell_. Any thoughts on how I can get Comcast to
get their crap together? I've never had so much trouble porting
numbers away from a carrier.

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