Jed Rothwell said:

>I do not know how to write a presentation that might convince someone with 
>this belief system.
>Seriously, I would appreciate advice from any other readers here with 
>connections or a religious bent. No offense meant.

Step one is to stop thinking of them as being any different than you are in 
terms of what you want to accomplish vis-a-vis cold fusion.

The Christian environmentalist movement, such as it is, goes back many years.  
Most of their views on the environment are as "liberal" as those of any typical 
NYC atheist global warming protester.  You can talk to the former (or write for 
them) exactly the same way as you would to the latter.  You want a clean 
environment, so do they.  You think CF is a viable technology to pursue to make 
this happen, try to convince them of that. 

I'm a Christian Jed. I've read your stuff.  I don't think there is much of 
anything (if anything) you need to change in what you write about CF to these 

The differences between you and them is largely a matter of motivations.  They 
have religious reasons for wanting to be environmentalists. You have other 
reasons.  But you both rely on the same laws of physics governing the clean 
technologies.  Also, bear in mind that they are not dummies--they are perfectly 
capable of not giving a damn what your own views are about religion as long as 
the technology you're pushing helps them toward their goals.

Jeff Kooistra

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