At 10:42 pm 20/08/2005 +0200, Knuke wrote:

> Grimer wrote:
>> The ideas are certainly not in danger of straining *your* brain. <g>
>> Jones and Horace seemed to manage OK.

> Yeah Ok, I usually strain my noodle about a minute after it comes to a 
> boil, then I recall the exhortations of my parents to use it, and I 
> reluctantly attempt to do so.  I think that even though we are both 
> quite fluent in English, we are talking two different languages, but 
> that is OK.  I never understood what my parents were telling me either.
> My background in vacuum technologies comes from my work on large 
> refrigeration systems and desalinization gear.  The gauges go down to 
> zero (1 atm), and then start reading in Inches of Mercury.  As far as I 
> know, no one has ever achieved a perfect vacuum, nor has anyone managed 
> to suck beyond that point (although Halliburton and the legal department 
> of Microsoft are competing intensely for that honor).
> I have had some training and practical experience in structural 
> engineering, but not that much.  I have done very little work with 
> concrete, but I have done more than a bit with steel.  I will root 
> around for your papers, 

No need to root around. Emulate the medical students who, when being
asked by their examiner to say what a patient is suffering from, 
surreptitiously ask the patient.

You will find two of the papers in the file section of
and the book chapter in the photo section.

> P.S.  Jones and Horace are geniuses.  So are Fred and Bill. 

Very true. But you know what they say, Knukey.
    "It takes one to know one."     ;-)



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