Nice pictures!

With data fitted theory you still can make predictions when you
interpolate, I use it all the time. No need to throw away anything. But it
dishonest of society to ignore Mills, as I pointed out there is nothing
written that are pointing towards an error e.g. ed. 2014 page 12 equation
134 is
 wrong or such, he has worked so hard with this that we should give such
detailed critique or else critique is politics more than science. Even
misses this point and that makes his work the work of a vicious politician.
Or someone who wants to please one for the sake of getting golden stars.

Mark my words, if Einstein worked at the patent office today he would
remain there, do we want such a society.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Eric Walker <> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 4:31 PM, Stefan Israelsson Tampe <
>> wrote:
> Yep, this is exactly the problem, you have two incomplete models that same
>> the same thing. It's a mystery ...
> Allow me to point to some additional, beautiful images of excited Rydberg
> states that one will presumably need to set aside in order to make room for
> Mills's orbitspheres in one's life:
> One is tempted to conclude that the makers of these images are propagating
> false teachings.
> In a world of orbitspheres, there are, presumably, no electrons passing
> through the nucleus, resulting in an increased probability of internal
> conversion.  We will need to set aside our current understanding of
> internal conversion and adopt one based upon infinitesimally thin electron
> currents that are miles away from the nucleus, from its own perspective.
> Perhaps the two descriptions are dual, in the way that George Orwell
> explained that one can develop the ability to keep in mind two
> contradictory thoughts:
>    - War is peace.
>    - Freedom is slavery.
>    - Ignorance is strength.
> Through an act of doublethink, it might be possible to reconcile
> orbitspheres and electron orbits, as they are currently understood.
> Eric

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