From: Jed Rothwell  
Aluminum will be oxidized to give off significant energy even in a ceramic mix.
Aluminum thermite makes an excellent explosive. It is used in bombs. But the 
energy density is well below hydrocarbons such as napalm.

Yes, but this detail is another reason that I have a gut feeling that Jack’s 
real COP is higher than he thinks – that is: if you have already calibrated for 
what is effectively “thermite”, and then you remove the better oxidizer (the 
iron oxide) then the subsequent runs without it are going to be understated.

In any event, the important thing for understanding the reaction (and really 
this is the future of LENR) is to find out exactly what can take a minimal COP 
of about 1.1 and push it up to 1.5 and beyond. That is the main reason that I 
think Jack’s future results could be as important, if not more so - than 
Parkhomov, or even Rossi. This is because he has the simpler and less expensive 
set-up, and is well positioned to move rapidly in whatever direction that the 
results push. Experiment rules. 

Needless to say, if SPP are shown to be the major contributor to thermal gain 
in Cole’s experiment (or anyone else who jumps into the arena), we may have 
chopped months or years off of a developmental process that was until recently 
based on nickel supposedly transmuting into copper.


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