Jack Cole <jcol...@gmail.com> wrote:

Yes, that would be if you filled the whole cell with LiOH and burned every
> bit of the hydrogen.  Of course the true chemical energy potential is
> likely more than order of magnitude less.

That sounds right.

Besides, I have a number of failed runs that don't differ significantly
> from calibration suggesting chemical effects are low enough to not be
> detected.

There is always a good use for data! Failed runs can tell us a lot.

>   I have seen chemical heat clearly before when using KOH, but it is gone
> after an hour.

Ha. I guessed about an hour. That was just a lucky guess, but my point was
that chemical heat does not typically spread itself evenly throughout the
test. If there is any chemical fuel it tends to burn at the beginning, and
then the rate declines rapidly, and it stops.

- Jed

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