From: Jed Rothwell 


Ø  Today, here for the first time that I know of, Beene used "COP" to mean 
energy out/potential chemical energy. That is not what you meant when you 
reported a 1.1 COP.


That is not correct, yet Rothwell keeps trying unsuccessfully to cover up his 
incorrect understanding of both this experiment and the meaning for COP. 
Clark’s experiment is based on calibration. I hope Rothwell will take the time 
to familiarize himself with what calibration means.


In the dummy run, if there is potential chemical energy available to contribute 
at a given temperature, then that energy will included in the calibration. No 
one made a detailed inventory of where it came from, as he well knows. We are 
analyzing net-energy out vs. net energy in, and chemical energy (as potential) 
is part of the P-in in the calibration. It does no good for Rothwell to repeat 
his initial error in order to save face.


Beene accused me of mixing up power and energy. I did not, 


Of course you did. It’s there in black and white. You said power instead of 
energy – and did it at the same time you were trying to accuse me of the wrong 


Give it up and move on. We all make mistakes and you goofed – but it is time 
move on and you are only embarrassing yourself more with this continued 
reference to your earlier  error.



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