"Axil Axil
 Tue, 12 May 2015 13:40:01 -0700

I wonder if the resonant shape of the microwave cavity produces a pattern
of positive and negative vacuum energy that corresponds to the high and low
energy pattern of microwave radiationn produced by interference. The zone
of increased positive vacuum energy may produce longer lived virtual
particle whose lifetime is proportional to the "false" vacuum value
characterize by the zone of EMF excited vacuum.

The lifetimes of these long lived virtual particles may be long enough to

provide a reaction platform that meets that required by Newton’s laws."

Resonant shape of the microwave cavity produces a pattern
of positive and negative vacuum energy that corresponds to the high
and low energy pattern of microwave radiation produced by
interference, so what about using two sources of microwave radiation
to produce a phase locked virtual particle soliton.

Why aren't they using high power radar Klystron?


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