Lennart Thornros <lenn...@thornros.com> wrote:

Money is not the issue.
> The way they are handled and looked upon is.
> As a .ashfield said there is inflation just that we use all sorts of
> methods and stats to hide it.

No, there is not inflation, and if there were, there are no methods or
stats that would "hide it." Such notions are another example of
preposterous conspiracy theories. If there were inflation, it would be in
the interests of many powerful people in the Congress, on Wall Street, at
banks and elsewhere to measure it. They would not keep their findings

In particular, right wing economists would plaster this data on the front
page of the Wall Street Journal. Some of them have been saying for years
that inflation is just around the corner, it will happen Any Day Now, and
we have to take drastic steps to avoid it. They have been looking high and
low for evidence of inflation to prove they are right. So far they have
found none.

Where there is a lack of demand, high unemployment, the banks pay
practically no interest, and ordinary consumers are growing poorer year by
year, inflation is unlikely. These conditions cause deflation instead, as
they have done in Japan for the last 20 years. The Abe government is trying
hard to go the other way and inflate by 2% per year. I do not think it is

- Jed

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