From: Frank Acland 


Ø  From what we have been told, what is being tested now IS a commercial 
product, providing heat to a factory and saving the factory owner a significant 
amount of money in heating costs.


“Been told” is the operative phrase. 


The plant owner is silent and is no doubt being subsidized by a negotiated 
price, so his present cost is meaningless. Until an independent expert, with no 
financial connection, is willing to take ownership of an actual visitation 
report – this is second or third hand anecdote. And most importantly, why is IH 
(a company which has some credibility, unlike Leonardo) not involved? 


It is little wonder why concerned LENR scientists (like Brian Ahern) now 
believe that IH has finally seen through Rossi’s BS and are on the verge of 
dumping him. Given Rossi’s history, his past dishonesty, the anecdotal nature 
of reports coming from his camp, the junk science from Lugano, the reticence of 
IH, the fact Rossi is now trying to distance himself from IH, the lack of valid 
independent proof - and everything else … it is arguable that there is no 
“commercial product” at all. The Blue box could be an elaborate prop at worst, 
or an expensive last ditch diversion to buy time (for finding another investor 
if IH has backed out of the deal). The most likely scenario is that the 
Blue-box does work part time but does not compete with natural gas in the final 
accounting (maybe in the EU but not in the USA).


One can believe strongly in the reality of LENR technology – as most of do on 
this forum, and even agree that Rossi has seen significant excess heat - but 
still appreciate that Andrea Rossi could be BOTH a skilled inventor and an even 
more skilled scam artist – the two are not mutually exclusive. Think of Rossi 
in the context of a “Bernie Madoff of LENR.” He has the motive, the experience, 
the expertise, and the personality to play both roles: genius inventor and 
financial scam artist. 


As a personal matter, I am upset that a Rossi rip-off of IH, and especially one 
where he is sued, could result in drying up future funding for the entire field.






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