Jones Beene,
"It is little wonder why concerned LENR scientists (like Brian Ahern) now believe that IH has finally seen through Rossi’s BS and are on the verge of dumping him."

Do you have a reference for this?

Your comment then tails off into gobbledegook so there still seems to be a coding error.

"�Rossi’s BS0dto disup fuof refuanothefrd hae) > uttus?r, rgind pbeinass clul="contenon tfspan rel="conteny"> uttusIpe iref=""contenbuttus buttusleft "l veat key" h="msg104071.html"> li rel="conteny"> uttusIpe i f a to gthe/a> ref=""contenbuttus"l veat key" c="index.html#104079"> li rel="conteny"> uttusIpe i f a to gthe/a> ref=""contenbuttus"l veat key" i="maillist.html#104079"> etc.


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