Jones Beene <> wrote:

> First off, ashfield - it is next to impossible to libel Rossi. The
> judicial system of Italy has guaranteed that. His Wiki entry, read by
> millions, begins this way:
> "Andrea Rossi (born 3 June 1950) is an Italian convicted fraudster and
> claimed inventor.[1][2][3]"
I hope we are not going to Wikipedia be standard of truth here. Their
article on cold fusion is terribly wrong. It is written by people who know
nothing about cold fusion.

> . . . but there is actual proof that he is a fraud and thus he cannot be
> given benefit of the doubt as could others without his history …
As far as I know there is no such proof. He was convicted, but the
conviction was thrown out. Therefore he is not guilty. You cannot site a
conviction in court as proof of guilt when that same conviction is later
voided by the courts.

Court judgments are binary: guilty or innocent. If you are first declared
guilty but later declared innocent, that makes you innocent. As innocent as
someone who was never found guilty in the first place. There is no "left
over" guilt, or stain of guilt.

Is there some other proof?

- Jed

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