Jones, it is not a trial.
I understand that you have a negative opinion about Rossi. Right or wrong.
The semi-connection between what you call him a "scam artist" and a
conviction for tax eviction is stretching the argument way beyond reasons.
Why so critical - ( really judgmental)? Why not let him show which material
he is made of? Less than a year and you will need no gossip to base your
opinion on.

I probably know less than you do. However, I can see that he is the only
one that has opened up to a third party replication. I see no other player
that have anything they even claim is close to be commercial. His
theoretical skills or his capacity as an experimenter is not up for
judgment. The result will be. If he has what he says then he is protecting
his findings and I assume he does what he thinks is best and not what he
thinks is best for people trying to second guess his know how.

I think your judgement is based on a personal opinion, gossip and evidence
not relevant and deserve no attention.

Best Regards ,
Lennart Thornros
+1 916 436 1899
202 Granite Park Court, Lincoln CA 95648

“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment
to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” PJM

On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Jones Beene <> wrote:

> *From:* Jed Rothwell
> Ø  He was convicted, but the conviction was thrown out. Therefore he is
> not guilty. You cannot site a conviction in court as proof of guilt when
> that same conviction is later voided by the courts.
> Wait a minute. You act like there was only the one Petrodragon conviction.
> Did you not read Rossi’s own account? It is pretty hard to whitewash all
> 56 of his legal troubles with the same brush.
> Rossi himself admitted that there were 56 prosecutions in all, during
> those years - mostly for tax fraud, or retrials – of which three from
> Petro-dragon led to imprisonment, and those three apparently ended with
> reversal after the fact. So this does not come from Gary Wright but from
> Rossi.
> Five of the Italian prosecutions for tax evasion ended with convictions
> (custody imprisonments) and those were not reversed, and Rossi never
> claimed they were.
> OK – you can say that tax crimes are not in the same class, and maybe not,
> but they are still called “tax fraud” and they were not reversed – so you
> cannot say that Wiki is wrong about Rossi, despite what they say about
> LENR. It is probably not a good idea to merge the two.

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