From: Stefan Israelsson Tampe 


Ø  This is a really good argument for not expecting the same radiation and 
would give an argument for why we don't see much of radiation in CF research. 
Maybe the energy is released through highly spinning entities or whatnot. Why 
not radiation through a EM field that is spherical… ?


Spin is one way – but suffers from the objection of spin quanta being 
comparatively meager relative to the amount of energy which must be shed.

Related to this is the magnon, which could be spherical:


Another possibility is the disintegration of leptons which shed much of their 
mass-energy via neutrinos. The irony here is that LENR could be a system where 
-- when a kilowatt of power has been witnessed, a megawatt was actually shed… 
or something to that effect.



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