Holmlid said that a brief exposure of the catalyst to room light produces a
limited number of mesons. So it sounds like all the photons from the room
light are concentrated to only a few SPPs.

SPPs produce particles like Hawking radiation. It is called hadronization.

See page 8 in this article


On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:33 PM, Stephen Cooke <stephen_coo...@hotmail.com>

> So if the SPP is able to accumulate sufficient energy it is able to
> generate neutral mesons or signed meson pairs, for example if more than 1
> GeV it may generate a Phi meson with conserved states which then quickly
> decays to the kaons and then the other mesons seen by Holmlid?
> Would it generate these mesons directly from the SPP or indirectly by
> stimulating nucleon resonance through the magnetic beam anapole you
> mentioned recently?
> Sent from my iPad
> On 29 okt. 2015, at 20:18, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a SPP condensate involved. When UV kight is absorbed by the
> condensate, all the photons are concentrated to a few SPPs who form it into
> a meson. When there are more photons as provided in a laser shot, more SPPs
> can form particles from the  "SHARED" energy. The condensate is an energy
> concentration device using super absorption where incoming photons produce
> particles via specific SPP members of the condensate. This is how a laser
> works.
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Axil Axil <janap...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A comment on the THE FLEISCHMANN SINGULARITY as a clue to LERN
>> reproducibility.
>> http://egooutpeters.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-fleischmann-singularity.html#comment-form
>> Ed Storms can test materials until the cows come home withoul LENR
>> responce because the key to LENR reproducibility is time.
>> It took the singuarity months to build up enough potential energy to
>> become LENR active.
>> No replicator could get the the various types of LENR applictions to
>>  work because of the tricky requirement for fuel preparation. We know now
>> that the fuel used in LENR in all its forms must be prepared in a time
>> intensive process. This preparation takes a lot of time and a lot of
>> energy. The solitons that produce the LENR reaction hold a huge amount of
>> energy.
>> The situation is like a car with a battery the size of a building. It
>> takes a long time to pump power into that energy storage device before it
>> becomes active enough to produce high grade power with a high enough
>> “voltage”. This is what Holmlid tells us. He says that it takes weeks of
>> applying Laser power before the catalyst he uses becomes active.
>> Lasers and dipoles don’t talk well together. Lasers produce plain waves
>> at a single frequency and dipoles don’t take kindly to that type of EMF. An
>> electron and a photon must have the same energy level to join together to
>> become a polariton. That marriage needs a common energy level. Only a
>> meager number of dipoles finely tuned to the exact frequency of the laser
>> will become entangled. If there is lots of bumps and nanocavities, then the
>> Laser light will become decoherent.
>> Decoherent light( from an arc that R. Mills uses in the Suncell) is best
>> so that dipoles at any stage of development will become polaritons. A
>> scattered shot cloud from a shotgun is better at downing a clay pigeon than
>> a 22 is.
>> LENR replicators do not preprocess the fuel that they use and they don’t
>> wait long enough for the LENR reaction to take hold. No one wants to invest
>> the time and energy to properly prepare the fuel.
>> This is a lessen that we can draw from Joe Papp. No one understood the
>> reason why he invented a fuel preparation process. If the Papp fuel was not
>> preprocessed, the Papp engine would need to crank for a week before it
>> kicked over. Papp knew he had to load a lot of energy into that fuel before
>> it became active.
>> The various ways to inject energy into that fuel have differing power
>> loading potential. Heat is the least effective method. Lasers seem to be
>> somewhat more powerful but a few weeks to get the Holmlid fuel up to speed
>> indicates to us that Laser power is marginal. Spark discharge and
>> cavitation seem to be the most powerful method of power injection.
>> We can determine how long cavitation takes to charge up the LENR fuel by
>> seeing how long it takes for gammas to appear after the pump is turned on
>> in the LeClair reactor.
>> DGT could start their reaction in a few hours because an electric arc is
>> a powerful source of incoherent EMF power.
>> Holmlid’s effect is difficult to duplicate because most replicators don’t
>> have the patience to wait for weeks to see positive results.
>> The choice before the replicator is plainly stated; he can use a powerful
>> source of incoherent energy or he could just wait for weeks while energy
>> trickles into his power hungry fuel.
>> That said see the next post...
>> On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 3:05 PM, Stephen Cooke <
>> stephen_coo...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> It's a nice process you are describing, but I'm curious how it can
>>> generate the mesons reported by Holmlid? Is there some mechanism based on
>>> this idea where mesons are produced or can they only generated by very high
>>> energy interactions with nucleons and require much higher energies than you
>>> are describing here?
>>> On 29 okt. 2015, at 19:53, Jones Beene <jone...@pacbell.net> wrote:
>>> *From:* Bob Cook
>>> Ø
>>> Ø  Fran and Jones suggested that the source of the excess energy
>>> described  by Holmlid is of a chemical origin (electronic potential
>>> chemical energy of dense hydrogen) and not nuclear potential energy long
>>> ago stored in the reactants.
>>> First part of answer: The Dynamical Casimir Effect was first observed in
>>> 2010. It is real, but that does not necessarily provide all the answers.
>>> The following is paraphrased from various sources.
>>> The basic concept for LENR, is that the electronic chemical energy of
>>> dense hydrogen, with mass-energy in the range of 630 eV per H atom, is
>>> created by DCE. One way this can happen is when SPP interact with a Casimir
>>> cavity or pit. The electron becomes delocalized and possibly relativistic.
>>> However, it is also demonstrated by Holmlid that dense hydrogen can
>>> produce strong nuclear or sub-nuclear gain in other circumstances, aside
>>> from chemistry. Whenever gamma radiation is seen in an experiment, it is a
>>> good indication of the “other circumstances”. The DCE modality only applies
>>> to gain from chemistry and electron manipulation. The soft x-rays are easy
>>> to miss.
>>> One of the predictions of modern quantum theory is that the vacuum of
>>> space is not empty. In fact, quantum theory predicts that it teems with
>>> virtual particles foaming in and out of existence. While initially a
>>> curiosity, it was quickly realized that vacuum fluctuations had measurable
>>> consequences, for instance producing the Lamb shift and modifying the
>>> magnetic moment for the electron… and in Casimir force.
>>> This type of renormalization due to vacuum fluctuations is now central
>>> to our understanding of nature….From early on, it was believed that it
>>> might be possible to more directly observe the virtual particles that
>>> compose the quantum vacuum, or convert them to real particles. 40 years
>>> ago, Moore suggested that a mirror undergoing relativistic motion could
>>> convert virtual photons into directly observable real photons. This effect
>>> was later named the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE)…. we have observed the
>>> DCE experimentally for the first time in 2011…. In addition to observing
>>> the creation of real photons, the discoverers found two-mode squeezing of
>>> the emitted radiation, which is a signature of the quantum character of the
>>> generation process. End of paraphrase.
>>> Ø
>>> Ø  Is the assumption that the laser pre-conditioning of the materials
>>> in the Holmlid setup allowed the increase in potential energy of the
>>> reactants which then is later released as EM radiation and hence heat?
>>> Yes. Most likely there would be a multi-stage process where the laser
>>> (or another light source) creates SPPs over time, which then interact with
>>> hydrogen in a Casimir cavity of 2-12 nm in dimensions. As it turns out,
>>> Shell 105 catalyst is extraordinarily nanoporous. Like a zeolite, but
>>> ferromagnetic. Curiously, Holmlid fails to realize this porosity connection.
>>> The net effect is that the electron which once had ionization potential
>>> of 13.6 eV in the ground state has been boosted to 630 eV of binding energy
>>> by the DCE. This is an energy increase of about 46:1 per atom and it is
>>> chemical. But in effect, if the hydrogen does not escape, the energy which
>>> can be extracted by chemistry is endless (if the source is the quantum
>>> vacuum).

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