Bob Higgins <> wrote:

> Yes, CO2 is a greenhouse gas and is likely increasing the global
> temperature - probably at a miniscule rate compared to the rate of warming
> due to natural cosmological and geothermal causes.

Yeah? How many papers on this subject have you published? Do you have a PhD
in some closely related subject?

Frankly, your tone irks me. Your categorical assertions rub me the wrong
way. If you were to say with some hesitation, "it seems to me . . ." or "I
have read thus-and-such in an authoritative journal that . . ." it would
sound more professional to me.

I have sat with world-class experts on electrochemistry and various physics
problems. I mean I have spend weeks in labs with people such as
Fleischmann, FRS and people with Nobel laureates. They wrote the book on
modern science. They have physical effects named after them. Those people
do not make assertions with the kind of overweening confidence you express
here. Even when the assertions pertain to their own area of expertise, they
still hedge them.

I am pretty sure that I were to ask these world-class scientists "what do
you think of global warming?" they would largely defer to the
climatologists. I am sure they would not claim "I know better than the
experts." The might say, "I have some doubts about thus and such . . ."

Cold fusion happens to be new subject in which there are no experts yet.
Anyone's opinion may have merit. Practically nothing is settled yet, except
the heat, and the ratio and helium to heat with the Pd-D system.
Climatology, on the other hand, is well developed, deep science, with data
going back thousands of years, and many confirmations. As I said, it is
related to weather prediction, and anyone can see that discipline has
improved by leaps and bounds in recent decades. It is impossible for me to
imagine that weather forecasts have made tremendous progress yet a closely
related field is completely at sea with no progress and no better proof
than it had decades ago. Science does not work that way.

- Jed

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