a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> I think Jed is attempting to defend the indefensible.

You should at least acknowledge that I am defending the opinions of
experts. Educated people may disagree with experts but it goes to far to
say this is "indefensible." You, for some reason, imagine you know better
than these experts. Given the complexity of modern society and the advanced
nature of our science, I think your claim is more extreme than mine.

Perhaps you are suggesting that these climate researchers are fakes engaged
in a massive conspiracy. That seems far-fetched, to say the least.

>   But you stated the Chinese pollution problem is due to CO2.  It isn't.
> If it were just CO2 there would be no smog.

I think this may have gotten confused in the discussion here. It is often
confused in the mass media. I think everyone here understands that the
pollution problem in Beijing is caused by particulates, not CO2. These
particulates could be greatly reduced by using scrubbers with coal fired

Chinese automobiles also cause particulate pollution. As far as I know the
automobile pollution controls are up to U.S. and Japanese standards so I do
not think they could easily be improved. They are already about as good as
modern technology can achieve. I think I heard on NHK that Chinese gasoline
refining standards are not up to our codes, and that is causing problems.

Other problems are being caused by CO2, according to experts. These
including rising sea levels, extreme temperatures, and damage caused by
heat to agriculture and the ecology. This is getting beyond the scope of
the discussion.

- Jed

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