… hotter on outside than inside could correlate with 5D Calvert theories, 
Axil’s citation about radiation not measured nearby outer reactor wall but some 
readings made at a distance – as you say black hole or relativistic physics 
where radiation might be displaced temporally while still occupying our same 3d 
spatial coordinates as the reactor and immediate surroundings.  If shrunken 
hydrogen in a lattice is relativistic for the reasons predicted by Naudts then 
emitted radiation would travel along the hypotenuse between time and space 
steadily returning to our same time coordinates but  losing power at what it 
perceives as the square of the distance while we perceive nothing  until the 
Lorentzian effects dissipate so that our equipment  can detect it {displaced 
out away from reactor walls]. IMHO this  isn’t the same as relativistic 
velocity of hydrogen ejected from the suns corona where the hydrogen is moving 
relative to a stationary background.. this is negative equivalent velocity 
where the environment is moving around an essentially slow moving hydrogen atom 
causing it to shrink and decay rapidly from our perspective – the escaping 
radiation from any reactions in this environment are still traveling thru this 
Ventorii like area of space time caused by vacuum suppression of the lattice 
and tapestry of Casimir geometry. I think this would explain a lot, anomalous 
decay rates and difficulty in measuring radiation at the source but I am not 
sure what happens to radiation traveling thru the extremes of Casimir 
geometry.. Experiments with lasers across the “mouth” of Casimir plates 
detected very little dilation but I think this was flawed implementation – like 
traveling straight across the bay of a river those experiments would not see 
the real tidal effects where the waterway narrows and whitewater provides a 
tapestry of different accelerations.

From: Frank Znidarsic []
Sent: Sunday, December 27, 2015 12:59 PM
Subject: EXTERNAL: Re: [Vo]:Whopper of the Week

The whole thing makes sense if you take black hole physics, Casimir cavities, 
and shrunken atoms into account.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jones Beene <<>>
To: vortex-l <<>>
Sent: Sun, Dec 27, 2015 12:54 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Whopper of the Week
Whopper of the Week
1)      140 patents in progress
2)      Direct electricity or heat – either one or both
3)      Jet engine application
4)      Fully Robotic factory to make fuel wafers
5)      Reactor hotter on outside than inside
6)      No fuel module replaced in last 300 days
Please add your own favorite miracle to the growing list …

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