Jones Beene <> wrote:

> To invest in Rossi, one would have to bet that Mills’ IP can be
> circumvented . . .

To reiterate, you do not need to circumvent a patent. You can invent
something that extends it. The person licensing your patent must also
license the basic patent. For example someone wanting to manufacture
integrated circuit semiconductors 1960 would have to license from both
Texas Instruments and AT&T.

As I mentioned before, this is an important technology with military
applications, so Uncle Sam will never allow Mills to stifle the technology
by not granting licenses. That is not how patent laws are enforced.

> and that Rossi can understand the mechanism well enough to make it
> reliable and increase the COP at the same time. Both are longshots.

It is not necessary for Rossi to understand the mechanism. IH might hire
someone else who can do that, with Rossi's assistance.

It is not possible for you or anyone else outside of IH to judge what is a
"longshot" and what is not. You would have to know a great deal more about
the details of Rossi's research, and what others working with IH are up to.
These details are secret.

The COP does not need to be increased, as I said. It only needs to be
controlled. It is already infinite in some cases. If Rossi has any problem
it is the runaway reactions with no input power and an infinite COP.

> I doubt that Cherokee did sufficient due diligence.

How would you know? What is the basis for your doubts? Imaginary problems
the COP do not count. Did they consult with you? Have you read their
paperwork and correspondence?

- Jed

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