Jones Beene <> wrote:

> If he actually has excess heat from time to time, why would he build a
> financial scam?
> 1)      The excess heat is unreliable. He cannot show it on demand
> 2)      Rossi does not understand the gain mechanism
The people at IH are aware of these problems. I have not discussed this in
depth with them but I know they realize this. Rossi readily discusses these
problems with me and with others.

If I were the decision-makers at IH, such problems would not bother me. The
whole point of investing in R&D is to overcome such problems. The fact that
it is difficult means they have an opportunity to file many basic patents
and get ahead of the competition.

3)      The COP is in the range of 1.5 to 2
That is incorrect. On many occasions the reactor has run without input. The
COP is infinite.

> 4)      The basic patents are owned by BLP, and are pretty strong
I would not know about that. I cannot judge BLP's claims. Some of the basic
patents appear to be owned by Piantelli. However, even if the basic patents
are owned by someone else, I am sure there is plenty of room for additional
patents, building on top of the basic ones. The basic patents for
transistors were filed by Bell Labs in 1950, but there have been many other
semiconductor patents after that. Many lucrative semiconductor patents are
granted every year even now. If cold fusion is widely used 100 years from
now, people will still be filing lucrative patents related to it. Fire is
the oldest technology, but people are still filing new patents in
combustion technology.

> 5)      No one will invest big money with a untrustworthy inventor, even
> if he is a superb experimenter, knowing all of the above
Some of "the above" is incorrect or unimportant, as I said. The COP is not
limited to 2 and there is plenty left to patent.

Many inventors and other brilliant people have been untrustworthy, such as
Edison, Jobs, some prima donna computer programmers I have worked with, and
many movie directors, actors and others in show-business, where egomania
runs rampant. This did not stop people from investing in them. Of course
there is some risk in investing in such people but the benefits often
outweigh the risks. Rossi is not as bad as some other cold fusion
researchers I have dealt with.

- Jed

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