Bob, It seems your proposal is for ‘science by mob rule’. Such suggestions 
ignore the fact that the internet is a swirling cesspool,vortex, that is easily 
overwhelmed by those willing to post outlandish lies distortions/spin. To 
suggest that some semblance of truth can be arrived at via the net is absurd. 
The best the net has to offer is some difficult to sort tidbits that come at 
the expense of having to sift through endless piles of shit. 


However if your correct then there is plenty of ‘data’ already on the net in 
this current kerfluffle over e-cats. The evidence is being presented in a 
quasi-real fashion highlighted by the Rossi/IH legal papers. 


That Rossi has precipitated the release of said papers is clear evidence that 
he, who is the only person at risk in the matter, is clear evidence that he 
must believe he has the proof in hand. That IH spent so much time and money 
associating with and selling Rossi in such a determined and profitable fashion, 
as in raising $50 million from one big fund, is clear they had access to the 
convincing ‘scientific data’ necessary to make such commitments. To suggest 
they were misled is preposterous. 


The present legal situation is certain proof that IH is engaging in a legal 
ploy to circumvent both the letter and spirit of the promises they made to 
Rossi. That word “SPIRIT” has enormous re’purr’cussions in law, especially at 
it pertains to E-Cats. 


Those who want to reproduce Rossi and have been constantly seeking short-cuts 
to investing the time and effort to do so as Rossi’s (and all pioneers of cold 
fusion) history has demonstrated is required and all their grousing about and 
poking at Rossi to reveal all is science at its worst but also sadly normal 


From: Bob Higgins [] 
Sent: Saturday, April 9, 2016 10:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Next Big Future - goes out on a limb


It is amazing that there are so many lofty positions being taken on the basis 
of little-to-no released data.  If IH and Rossi each believe their positions, 
chicken.  See who objects to release of the data.  

Let the internet use its thousands of eyes to dig out the real truth.  There is 
a great wealth of technical acumen in the internet - many of whom really want 
to know the truth.  There will be analyses of the data that reveal the truth, 
which could range from validation to ambiguity to deception.  In the absence of 
data we can concoct a position to support any of these - as we are seeing in 
this forum.  Phrases like, "at times had a COP of 50", are specious propaganda 
and meaningless.  Of course, there could be bursts of COP=50, and what is not 
said would make all the difference - for example, were the bursts of COP=50 
more than averaged out by long bursts of COP=0.9?


The actual data would speak for itself.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 10:29 AM, a.ashfield < 
<> > wrote:

Have a look at Mats Lewan's analysis.  It seems much more comprehensive and 
less biased to me
He is a science reporter who is MUCH more knowledgeable about LENR than Wang.

Jones, further to your belief in Clarke's analysis of the Lugano experiment.  I 
have had hundreds of on-line duels with him over the years.  He is absolutely 
certain LENR is impossible and no experiment has ever shown anomalous heat.  
Also absolutely certain that the IPCC is right about global warming and the 
effect of CO2.


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