a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> AA. Don't be silly.  I was saying that technically I could instrument a
> black box to measure the steam/water output.

Well of course you could! So could I; so could anyone. But Rossi did not do
this, and he refused to let anyone else do this.

> Not that I had any ability to do so at Rossi's site.

No one had that ability. Rossi did not allow it. His instruments were
"flawed" and "unsuitable" as I.H. put it. I assume he deliberately set
things up to make it impossible to measure the heat because he is a
nefarious fraud, but it is possible he did that because he is a world-class
idiot. He does not seem stupid to me.

>   If you want to continue this pointless argument I will provide detailed
> quotes and instrument specifications of how to do it, if you doubt me and
> will pay for my wasted time.

You have missed the point entirely. Anyone with knowledge of calorimetry
could have done this easily. We all know that. Rossi went out of his way to
do it in ways that made it difficult or impossible to measure anything. The
only way you could measure the heat with confidence would be to go into the
imaginary customer site and measure it at whatever was in that room that
lowered the fluid temperature from 100.1 deg C to 60 deg C. Or from the
ventilation equipment in that room.

- Jed

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