You are right that nobody here knows the details of Rossi's signature but the plain fact is that IH was formed after Rossi's discussions only a couple of days before he had to sign the contract.

I have already shown many areas where Exhibit 5 was wrong. You continue to ignore that. It was not Penon's job to correct the mistakes. He handed in his report. If Murray disagrees it is up to him to prove it.
So far he hasn't.

You say you disagree you made a mistake.  What do you question?
What you wrote yourself?
The legal document sent to the court that says Vaughn was not a manager of Cherokee?

On 8/10/2016 4:11 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    After the agreement with Defkalion collapsed Rossi had to get
    money from somewhere to continue.

I do not know about this, but I suppose he had enough leeway to wait a few days while consulting with his lawyer.

Also, It is possible that I.H. Informed him weeks before that they intended to start a new company. I think it would be out of character for them to spring this on him at the last minute. I doubt you were privy to the conversations or e-mail. So you would not know about that. (I don't know about it either.)

    Exhibit 5 is full of mistakes.

If it is full of mistakes, Penon should have pointed them out. Rossi would have been paid $89 million. Yet Penon did not answer.

I am not aware of any mistakes in this document.

    I see you still cannot bring yourself to admit you made a mistake
    when you accused me of making something up and I showed a
    reference that proved I was right.

I disagree.

- Jed

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