a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

> After the agreement with Defkalion collapsed Rossi had to get money from
> somewhere to continue.

I do not know about this, but I suppose he had enough leeway to wait a few
days while consulting with his lawyer.

Also, It is possible that I.H. Informed him weeks before that they intended
to start a new company. I think it would be out of character for them to
spring this on him at the last minute. I doubt you were privy to the
conversations or e-mail. So you would not know about that. (I don't know
about it either.)

Exhibit 5 is full of mistakes.

If it is full of mistakes, Penon should have pointed them out. Rossi would
have been paid $89 million. Yet Penon did not answer.

I am not aware of any mistakes in this document.

I see you still cannot bring yourself to admit you made a mistake when you
> accused me of making something up and I showed a reference that proved I
> was right.

I disagree.

- Jed

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