a.ashfield <a.ashfi...@verizon.net> wrote:

I have already shown many areas where Exhibit 5 was wrong.

So you think, but I disagree.

>   You continue to ignore that.
> It was not Penon's job to correct the mistakes.

Yes, it was. He was paid large sums of money to correct his own mistakes,
or to point out errors in Murray's analysis. Not only did he refuse to do
this, but he asked for his salary after refusing. That's chutzpah! (See the
quote below)

>   He handed in his report.  If Murray disagrees it is up to him to prove
> it.
> So far he hasn't.

How do you know this? Have you met with Murray or Penon, or read their

You and some others have an odd habit. If you personally have not seen a
document, a photo, or some other evidence, you automatically assume that it
does not exist.

Chutzpah from the Answer document:

"Despite have full knowledge of the flaws, Penon nevertheless issued his
false final report on March 28, 2016, claiming that guaranteed performance
was achieved – and that the COPs achieved by the Plant were literally many
multiples greater than ever claimed by anyone else (other than Leonardo and
Rossi) who had ever tested an E-Cat reactor. Not surprisingly, since the
day he left Florida in February 2016, Penon has refused to discuss his
measurements, his measurement plan and design, or his reportwith
Counter-Plaintiffs (though he has requested that Counter-Plaintiffs pay him
for his work)."

More chutzpah! This part is hilarious:

"Penon further knowingly relied on flawed or fabricated data collections in
his supposed evaluation of the Plant’s performance. For example, Leonardo
and Rossi have admitted (on their internet blog postings) that there were
days when portions of the Plant were not operating, but Penon in his final
report does not report any material decrease in output of the Plant on
those days. Rather, he makes the (inexplicable) claim in his final report
that on these days the Plant’s performance either did not change or somehow
even increased."

- Jed

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