After the agreement with Defkalion collapsed Rossi had to get money from somewhere to continue. He had been funding everything himself for a long time. As for Cherokee/IH's behavior, see Mats Lewan's take here.

Exhibit 5 is full of mistakes.

I see you still cannot bring yourself to admit you made a mistake when you accused me of making something up and I showed a reference that proved I was right.

On 8/10/2016 11:07 AM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
a.ashfield < <>> wrote:

    It was pretty obvious that Rossi was under a lot of pressure and
    short of funds when he signed the contract.

Where did you hear this?

    It sure looks like dirty pool to pull that switch at the last moment.

He couldn't wait a week? He couldn't consult with a lawyer and wait one day? Anyway, Rossi is a master at dirty pool. This contract looks to me as if he wrote it.

    But you will support IH whatever they do apparently.

I support them now. I was neutral until I saw Rossi's data, which is a travesty and obviously fraudulent. I cannot understand why anyone would support an outright fraud, so I assume you do not think he is a fraud. In that case, you have not looked closely at Exhibit 5, and you do not realize the customer site could not possibly had a 1 MW machine, or any excess heat.

- Jed

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